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Sunday, July 12, 2015

RNC asks Trump to tone down immigration remarks

The head of the Republican National Committee, responding to demands from increasingly worried party leaders, spent nearly an hour Wednesday on the phone with Donald Trump, urging the presidential candidate to tone down his inflammatory comments about immigration that have infuriated a key election constituency.

The call from Chairman Reince Priebus, described by donors and consultants briefed on the conversation and confirmed by the RNC, underscores the extent to which Trump has gone from an embarrassment to a cause for serious alarm among top Republicans in Washington and nationwide.

But there is little they can do about the mogul and reality-television star, who draws sustenance from controversy and attention. And some fear that, with assistance from Democrats, Trump could become the face of the GOP.



  1. Don't listen to them trump!!!! Forget these clowns who run the country!!!!

  2. No way! Speak the truth! Tell it like it is. Snap the American people out of their hypnosis!

  3. OH YEAH...we really need to censor all comments coming from potential POTUS. Just get him to tell lies and rope off the press why don't you.

  4. What has Trump said that is not completely true?

  5. I say "You Go Donald" The RNC or DNC have not a clue about the wants of the people. I believe far more agree with "The Donald" than the RNC and DNC realize. Trump is not an embarrassment to anyone because he tells it like it is and we American are glad to have someone with balls and voice in our corner - finally.,

  6. Trump is trash. What he said is true, but he's no better than Obama, or any of his cronies. He donated money to Harry Reid and Pelosi for "favors". He supports imminent domain, and has used it to boot homeowners for his parking lots. Real strong candidate you got there.

  7. Go Donald go. The true hurts we haven't been used to hearing it in years. Tell it like it is maybe we can turn this mess around in get going in the right direction.

  8. The Republican party is a joke. They do not stand a chance to win the presidential nomination. And they are doing all they can to lower themselves for years to come.

    Republicans of the 60's and 70's are todays democrats.... Time to change.

    Republicans are a joke

  9. Donald has MY vote!

  10. Anonymous said...
    The Republican party is a joke. They do not stand a chance to win the presidential nomination. And they are doing all they can to lower themselves for years to come.

    Republicans of the 60's and 70's are todays democrats.... Time to change.

    Republicans are a joke

    July 9, 2015 at 6:43 PM

    Do you have a better option that is going to win an election? If not, join the party and help make changes you moron.

  11. Ask Mitt Romney what happened when the GOP establishment asked him and Sarah Palin not to fight back!

  12. I love to here the TRUTH. Time to wake up RINO's and grow some Balls!!!

  13. The RNC doesn't have the $ to shut him up, and neither do the unions!

    Go, Donald; bring it out here on the table.

  14. Donald Trump may well be our next Ronald Reagan.
    It seems to me that he is THE ONLY candidate that heard what the people said back in November. That we wanted strong leadership, no nonsense, openness instead of cover-up and deceit, some one who is going to call a spade a spade and fight back against the cancerous liberal onslaught destroying the country.

  15. Now he's done it... He will probably arrested for "HATE SPEECH".

  16. I just wonder what extreme measures will be taken to oust him.4:59 appropriately used the word "hypnosis".Maybe we have been in a state of something resembling hypnosis and maybe the powers that be don't really want us to snap out of it.Maybe now we know why other countries can't figure out what the heck is wrong with us.


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