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Monday, July 06, 2015

Greeks Vote 'No' on Bailout Referendum, Rocking World Markets

Greeks voted overwhelmingly "No" on Sunday in a historic bailout referendum, partial results showed, defying warnings from across Europe that rejecting new austerity terms for fresh financial aid would set their country on a path out of the euro. 


  1. Ever hear of the domino effect? Now wait for that tsunami wall of the coming fiscal horror

  2. 1:06 is right.
    EVERYONE is in this game whether they know it or not, or want to ADMIT IT.
    The banks and other large financial entities have played shell games with everyone's money, falsified reports, and manipulated markets until there are no more games left.
    Now the piper wants to be paid.
    The next step? Clean out everyone's stock investments, IRA's, and 401(k) plans just like they done before.
    Then it will be your personal savings accounts. obama has already suggested that they be confiscated by the government and doled out to you as they please.
    Better be prepared for what is inevitably coming....
    Or keep cheering and thinking everything is going to be all right....yes sir, everything gonna be all right....

  3. In the end it was not in their best interest to vote yes on this. In the end they will be kicked out of the EU and will need another suitor to pick up the pieces. This is a prime example of what over spending does. The drunken party will come to an end for the US soon enough.

  4. wolves in sheeps' clothing are circling......

  5. Where is Zorba when they need him?

  6. Germany can expand without firing a shot!

  7. The tin roof just got hotter.

  8. Prime territory for china or russia to step in.

  9. Perfect opportunity for global elites to test the new world order currency. Digital currency. No cash exchanges. No problem collecting taxes.


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