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Monday, July 06, 2015

Sounds Familiar


  1. And it all starts with the police!

  2. HA HA..the Patriot Act makes Hilter look like a Boy Scout and the sad thing is We ain't seen nothing yet. Our government will pounce on Patriots when the time comes due to this total disregard for our god given constitutional protections..

  3. Yup - sounds like the country we live in right now.

    Maybe it's not too late already!

    Get rid of the illegal alien (and the wookie) soon!

    Just remember folks - this slime beat the HildaBeast in their primaries - see what she's done since! Imagine what she could have done if she had won those primaries....even worse, imagine what she could do if she is elected this cycle!!!!!!

  4. Best thing that ever happened was not continuing the Patriot Act.

  5. The last sentence was eliminated ----
    "Keep cheering!!"
    You dummies keep falling -hook, line and sinker - for EVERYTHING they tell you.
    "Its for the CHILDREN, for God's sake!!"
    It's to PROTECT you and for your own good!!!
    We HAVE to violate the Constitution to keep you safe!!"
    One NEVER hears "We spent all the money we could get our hands on and are broke for the the next 60 years so don't get upset when we want MORE of your hard earned money!".
    Or, "The bribes were too great to pass up!!"
    Or, "I came into Congress with $100,000 and now I'm up to 15 million!!
    Or, "If the people ever find out what we are REALLY doing, they'd kill us!!!
    Why don't you hear THOSE things?
    Drowned out by your brainless, brainwashed cheering.

  6. The similarities between where we are now and the history of Nazi Germany in the 1920's-30's, are not only frightening but happening.

  7. just wait til hillarious is pres

  8. Kudos to everyone commenting here for speaking the truth. I fear for all of us as what has been stated is true. We are destroying a great nation, and for what? Human ignorance? Wake up America ! Freedom isn't free. Nor will it ever be !

  9. But it is for the safety of the children! We all must follow our leader, after all he is the chosen one, twice!
    Kool-Aid is being served in the Rose garden at 3:00.

  10. Sound a lot like our lying, cowardly wannabe kenyan king!


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