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Monday, July 06, 2015

Mexican Laborer Responds to Donald Trump’s Comments


  1. I have but one question.

    Are you here legally? Since that is not one of the questions I will assume they are not despite his statment that the government takes his money. He is taking 1100 per week out of an Americans pocket. Period. Trumps statement is true. Get the illegals out of our country.

  2. Wtf? He makes alot of money and sure as hell sends it back home! If he is alcohol and drug free and never committed a crime I.e. entering illegally, then he is one of the very few. I still don't like the fact he makes that much money.

  3. Um your still here illegally?..maybe those drug addicts and welfare whores could use a job? I commend the work ethic, but employment, that a problem of your home country

  4. Umm are you here illegally 1:19?

    1. 100% here legally. . My ancestors came here the correct way. Became citizens and then started a family.They did not " invade " the red mans land ,if that's where your headed.

    2. What? 240.. You all have reading comp problems get a life

    3. Says the guy who forgot the : in 240! For every finger you point three point back fool!

  5. He doesn't say how much his girlfriend and 8 kids get in free medical, lodging, WIC, SNAP etc.

  6. Get rid of career politicians!

  7. Good on him? What does that mean?

  8. This guy works his but off and likely his crew does as well. Why not just leave him alone.

    1. Grab a glass while I write this book. Nevermind. Just enjoy your kool aid.

  9. That video is the side that did come here legally. There are plenty here that are Illegal and NOT PAYING 350 A WEEK!

    That's the side Donald is speaking of. Ask Pedro about them!


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