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Thursday, July 09, 2015

George Bush charged $100k to be at event for veterans wounded in the Iraq war

George W Bush charged a charity $100,000 to guarantee his attendance at a fundraiser for military veterans wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq, it has been reported.

The former president was also flown from Dallas to Houston by private jet and provided accommodation, which added $70,000 to Helping A Hero's bill, the charity told ABC News.

It transpires the extortionate fee was in fact a reduced rate, bartered down from $250,000.

And a year earlier, his wife former First Lady Laura Bush received $50,000 from the charity to make an appearance.



  1. And the two times GW Bush went to their charity's gala, it raised the most in the charity's history. 2.5M and 1M; and the fees were paid for by another donor, not the charity.

  2. Guess they needed the money.

  3. I've a feeling there's a tad more to this story that will be revealed.
    The Mail said Clinton had never charged a charity - their foundation was paid. Same thing.

  4. so, how is he any different than Bill and Hillary? Sad...

  5. Bush is a classy guy. Bet private donors paid and it didn't go in his pocket, but into his Foundation or some other good work. Not like the Clintons at all!!!

  6. Gotta prove that to me 12:05

  7. As far as his "Fee" is concerned Bush donated that back to the charity which is not something the MSM is going to reveal!

  8. Wow. What if Obama did this

  9. Would love to have seen that private jet diverted to Kuala Lumpur.

  10. Thats your great republican friends.
    It is shameful how they fool everyone into believe that they are for the middle class in anyway.

  11. Still cheaper then if our current president cared to visit our troops

  12. There are hundreds of worthy charities and, obviously, the man is spread thin. It is reasonable to pay that much to guarantee his attendance. How much more does the charity stand to make by the promise of him? A lot.
    As far as the private jet is concerned, he is a former president and among the most humble and gracious in history. He has to be safe. Expect him to fly coach?
    to the person who said, "What if Obama did this?": lol
    obama is the most wasteful president in history. Period.


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