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Thursday, July 09, 2015

The biggest and most disruptive layoffs in America are coming from the military

The Army has already discharged 80,000 troops. The next 40,000 will be harder, especially for the communities that depend on them.

The Iraq war was good for the economy of Jefferson County, N.Y. Perhaps too good.

“We had to grow, and grow quickly,” says Carl McLaughlin, executive director of the Fort Drum Regional Liaison Organization, which supports the military base that has been there since the mid-1980s. "Because the community wants to keep Fort Drum here, and it wants to show we’re very supportive, it did a lot of things that were over the top."

As troops poured into the Army base at Fort Drum, the rural area developed at a breakneck pace. With help from state tax breaks, developers built 3,800 units of brand-new housing and 600 hotel rooms. Troops depended on the local hospital system, which received $100 million in upgrades. The school system took on thousands more students. In an area where the last big industry — paper mills — had disappeared decades ago, the infusion of people and cash was welcome.



  1. the next year will be the roughest in history.he will do everything in his racist power to insure destruction of America.

  2. Writing that a foreign war is good for the economy is pretty dumb. It's nice that they were able to enhance development at a rapid pace, but I certainly wouldn't be proud that it all happened because we had to enter a foreign war.

  3. To those of you who are 50 and below , it is imperative that we gain our military strength again. If not we will fall.
    This country was and has been a success through military strength , whether we were at war or not. Our allies were always impressed with our military and they remained close to us . We now have fewer allies than in the history of this nation.
    Obama has made a police state with nonmilitary people , this has been a slow process as to not cause a panic. Please wake up America!!

  4. Thanks too all the idiots who voted Democrat in the state of Maryland. Think about it look at all the Democrats Maryland has in office. Talk about lowlife.

  5. 11:08 - It's not just here in the land of taxed poop...look at what has happened to SCOTUS - and the resulting decisions.

    Electing (and then reelecting) the current POSOTUS is the worst collective decision this country has made - EVER! Jimmy Carter would agree!

  6. This does not bode well for vets

  7. My Americans it is OVER understand it ..This country is broke...Government does not care about us...Jobs are falling away in record numbers...The "REAL" Unemployment numbers would scare the hell out you...Foreigners are taking over America in record numbers and running companies and businesses and raising Families in record numbers and control some area's in staggering numbers and these are the ones that WE do not want in control and now their children are getting Old enough to vote as they are American born and considered American's and run for office and once these pockets take office and control the rest of what we once knew as America will be GONE..Why do you really think they are taking the Confederate Flag Aaway ???? DUMMIES..It is a test to see what they can get away with and next is the American Flag will be gone and all of the Constitution will be destroyed as they are violating it now in large numbers and nothing being done about it.. Face it all.it all begin Years ago when the nuts took religion out of the schools and changed the Pledge of Allegiance to fit the needs of others who never give to this Country and they can even sit down if they do not want to say it...REALLY REALLY...IF THEY DON;T LIKE IT..LEAVE..PLEASE..LEAVE AND give Me back My Old America as I once knew her..Just wantch what will happen in next 2-4 years in this country. In Many area's the Police Depts are giving up and allowing the thugs to run area's and they will allow the Federal Gov. to declare emergency and take control then we have Martial Law...WATCH..


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