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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Final order! Christian bakers must pay $135,000

The Christian owners of a former bakery were officially ordered Thursday by the Oregon labor commissioner to pay $135,000 in fines to a lesbian couple after the bakers declined to bake a wedding cake for the couple due to their religious beliefs.

The ruling, issued by Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, upheld an earlier finding by administrative judge Alan McCullough, who determined that Sweet Cakes owners Aaron and Melissa Klein had discriminated against the women based on their sexual orientation.

The Kleins said their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage had prevented them from complying with the cake request. The Kleins were forced to close their storefront in Gresham, a suburb of Portland, Oregon, in 2013 shortly after the lesbian couple filed a civil rights complaint against them. At that time, same-sex marriage still wasn’t legal in Oregon.


  1. Score a win for the perverts...

  2. Next time just bake the worst tasting cake of all time.

  3. I'd like to read paragraph and verse of exactly what Oregon Law requires people to practice their religion in any certain way.

  4. do they have a go fund me page??

  5. the hidden dangers of the rainbow the true religion of hate ignorance racism bigotry & Death...research it and understand the new enemy

  6. I wouldd not post any prices in my store and if you wanted a cake which would go against my religous beliefs fine, that cake will cost $25,000! You don't like the price then go somewhere cheaper! No refusal it will just cost a ridiculous amount!

  7. Interesting how we now have a right to marriage and we have lost the rights to Free Speech and Freedom of Religion.

  8. That just isn't right!

  9. Actually 2:08:

    The hidden meaning of the Rain-Bow is a Contract between SATAN and MAN....

    look up " the troubles with the rain-bow"

  10. we've got a freakathon going on

  11. The gay loving pedophile judge's are the problem.

  12. I'd pay $1.00 per week for as long as it takes. This couple was put out of business. They should take their sweet time paying.

  13. Is this the only cake making place in that area? Not that it matters to me. I feel that they every right for how they stand and this should never have been put in the courts hands. Like some just make it charge a lot then give the money to a charity. If the MSM did not report on this the out come would be different. map

  14. There are ways to destroy the gays weddings and other things, especially in small business. Just don't do it in their face. Do it so they don't know and can't complain if they figure it out.

  15. I wouldn't pay a penny and take the consequences.


  16. Keep appealing. Hope someone will start a fund to assist them in that process.

  17. How much does Walmart have to pay for not baking a Confederate Battle Flag cake?

  18. I think We should Sue the Gay establishments for violating our Heterosexual beliefs...

  19. This is tyranny! These good people should stand by their Christian principles and not pay one single dime. We must take a stand against this evil that's consuming our [once] great country's freedoms.

  20. I have a very hard time understanding why what others do is any of anyone's else's buisness. If you don't believe in it then don't do it but its not your pk ace to tell someone else what is right for them. Love is a beautiful thing....be happy for others as you want people to be happy for you. Remember god also said love your neighbor. Do not pass judement.

  21. God also said marriage between a man and woman. You know Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I'm sure the man will remind you of that someday.

  22. I'd rot in jail before paying a penny.

  23. Thats where a lot of normal heterosexuals are going to end up in Obama's America i'm afraid 9:29. Time to fight back!


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