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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Mr. Go Glass Parks In Handicap Parking Space

The driver then proceeded to go off on the person asking them to park someplace else. 


  1. Where was this photo taken?

  2. Happens everywhere around Salisbury...Police never around when they are needed!! Probably would ignore it anyway.

    1. I don't blame why take the chance of getting hurt or arrested bc of people like you

  3. Mr. Linderer will not be pleased. He is a nice man.

  4. way to make assumptions clueless 1:34. BTW the police need a complaint from the property owner to issue parking tickets on private property.

  5. Go Glass sucks! I'll never let them work on anything again! Globs of crap sticking out my window and on my dash. Refused to fix it. Windshield looks like a gingerbread house! Dash and vents full! Screw them!

  6. I don't know what the fine is in Salisbury but in Baltimore it's 500 bucks.

  7. Ass clown!! Good thing my husband wasn't there because if he had mouthed off at my husband he would have gotten punched right in the mouth!!

    1. You are awful mouthy about what you are not going to do aren't you? Let your husband speak for himself.

    2. He's not allowed to...unless his wife says it's ok.

  8. You can paint the pavement all you want. If there is not a sign on a post at each spot it is not a legal handicap parking space.

  9. Concerned RetireeJuly 4, 2015 at 6:47 PM

    Police ignore this all the time. Like they are scared to write a ticket. SU Police never enforce it. Seen them Look right at it, see them leave the vehicle running and ignores it. Look at their security cameras and you will see what I am talking about. Maybe that is why they applied for M16 rifles for their Dept

  10. $50 in Salis. I've paid it.

  11. HC tag can only be used with the HC person in car, lot of people use it when the HC is not with them.

  12. The driver of this truck has an Autistic son. You think maybe he parked there because he had him with him. Way to make assumptions.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You can paint the pavement all you want. If there is not a sign on a post at each spot it is not a legal handicap parking space.

    July 4, 2015 at 6:32 PM

    I believe that is incorrect. They paint a stop line on the road without a stop sign and you are still requuired to stop. Regardless, if you are not handicapped, don't park in the space.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ass clown!! Good thing my husband wasn't there because if he had mouthed off at my husband he would have gotten punched right in the mouth!!

    July 4, 2015 at 4:27 PM

    and then you would have to bail your husband out of jail. something to be proud of right?

    1. Only after putting up the title on her double wide up as collateral.

  15. They are way to expensive anyway. I wouldn't go near them for any work i needed done.

  16. It doesn't matter if you have five Seniors with you with no legs if you don't have the tags you don't park there even if it's to pick up pizza that's a lazy pos that thinks he can do whatever he wants

  17. Try this one for results. I use a walker and when I park in a HC spot I try to use one where I have full access to the painted cross walk so I can open my door to the full extent to exit and enter. The one time I did this last week I return to leave and some dumbass HC person parked on the painted line between our 2 cars. The wife had to back out so I had room to open my door to get in. So no matter HC or not there are stupid people still living. If I had an ice pick the arsehole would have had 4 flat tires. However as mad as I was the wife would not have let me do that.


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