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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Details Of Proposed Apartment Community In Berlin Outlined

BERLIN – The Berlin Planning Commission got its first look at the expansive apartment community planned for Seahawk Road this week.

Several representatives from Rinnier Development presented a concept plan for the first phase of the 700-plus unit apartment community to be built on Seahawk Road called Oceans East.

“We felt it best to come in early and often and get as much guidance as we can,” engineer Brock Parker said.

The development, which was able to move forward after the Town of Berlin approved annexation of the site, will be located on Seahawk Road behind the former Harley Davidson building. The first phase of the project will consist of the construction of a 4,000-square-foot community center as well as 144 apartments.



  1. ah, just what we need. a new "Hood".

  2. Why do you even care 11:51? The entire Eastern Shore is a garbage dump crap hole.

    1. Even more reason to care! Police fudging stats. Dealers everywhere. Cops more worried about making money then patrolling and catching criminals in the act! Smdh. Just move! I'm not giving up!

  3. The Rinnier Family is ALL about money! They pay their employees low wages for what they do, and continue to grow their bank accounts. Bill Rinnier, his wife Marlene, Their Daughter Lisa, and son Blair are all work at the company in executive positions as well as other in-laws. The salaries they receive are extremely well, however apartment managers, commerical property managers, maintenance employees receive sub-average salaries. The Rinnier Family is building a wealth legacy for their benefit, not any city, town, or county, don't be fooled. It's all about lining their pockets.

    1. That's the point of investing. He's putting his money out to make money. I tell you what. My grass needs cut. Come on out and cut it for free. Invest your time and money and it'll make my community look better.

  4. Yep nothing but projects.
    Berlin is a very small town surrounded by shrinking bucolic "ruralness." It should remain that way to preserve the bit of charm that is left.
    How the Berlin officials can be so stupid to even entertain this idea is astounding. but if you've ever seen any of them speak not a one can strike anyone as having even the slightest bit of intelligence.

  5. The Salisburyfication of Berlin. I really wish they would keep this crap in Wicomico county.

  6. just more of the same from our mayor---spend spend spend---doesn't he think this will cost more than the taxes it will bring in---more cops, more trash trucks, more emt folks, we cant even get the new police station built and take care of what we have why do we want more---just waiting for that tax increase so we can pay purnell over two million for the old chicken plant then more money to clean it up and then a new parks department with more employees---when will this ever stop!!

  7. 1:10
    How is that any different from any other large business or company? Perdue, Walmart, Utz chips, etc. That is how business works. Make more than you spend/pay out.

  8. We really need decent year round rental apartments near Berlin for the older crowd and the people just starting out on their own! I hope it's not going to be crazy expensive.

    1. Not at all. If you work and can't afford it.... Just quit your job and get those bennifits. Sect 8 voucher and your in for $20 a month!

  9. lot of white people will live there to.all business are out to make money. that is how business people work their employees.

  10. If Bill and Blair run the show and you leave out the others it will be fine.

  11. Why don't they update the other properties they have such as Oak Hill, Parkside, Parkwood, Salisbury Village, and The Seasons or even the outdated rentals that they charge an arm and a leg to rent. Maybe they could hire qualified people and pay them desirable wages.

  12. It's not like there's some new industry coming into the Berlin area that will be needing 1000+ workers, and more housing is being built to accommodate the demand. They are being built to house people who don't work.

    As many vacant homes as there are due to foreclosures, there is no need for new apartments. Let working people buy the homes, and don't build more apartments for people who do not work.

    No matter how nice and new the apartments are, it's not long before the shiftless residents turn them into crapholes.

  13. Real nice apartments behind the mall for a year or so. Now it's a mini ghetto and has had a murder.


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