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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Frederick delegate submits bill to change Maryland state song

Delegate Karen Lewis Young submitted legislation this week to change the words of Maryland’s state song after several of her constituents sent her emails about the song’s “inappropriateness.”

Young, D-District 3A, said after looking at the words to “Maryland, My Maryland,” it was clear the song celebrates the Confederacy and disparages the Union government.

“The Civil War was the most divisive period in America's history,” Young said Thursday. “I don’t think our state song should be based on a battle hymn that celebrates that.”



  1. You liberal SOB's need to move to the Middle East and join the enemy.......this has long pasted ridiculous!

  2. What? Now a song? Do they want to forget history? We are the Old Line State!

  3. We someone come out in public with your pajamas on offends me. Someone wearing your pants down around their ass offends me. Someone who talks on the phone loudly in public offends me. Someone texting while driving offends me. Having the insurance company dictate medical care pisses me off and really offends me. Someone trying to get surgery and waiting months to have it completed offends me. Someone who is a liar offends me. Someone who shoots and kills offends me. So i guess I'm going to start raising hell so all of the things that offend me are passed as law. Stupid flag came down this morning so for Gods sake pull up your pants

  4. 10:47 - a hearty AMEN!

  5. A name like Young is offensive to Seniors.

  6. Glad to see the delegates are focusing on really important problems and not wasting our time with stupid insignificant issues. So many things that she could be working on and she focuses on the state song - well done!

    Giovanni Jones

  7. ...I hear the distant thunder-hum,
    The Old Line's bugle, fife, and drum,
    She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb-
    Huzza! she spurns the Northern scum!
    She breathes! she burns! she'll come! she'll come!
    Maryland! My Maryland!

  8. Since maryland has become a communist state lets use the Russian National Anthem as the state song.

  9. “I'm not asking anybody to rewrite history” - Why yes you are! Karen Lewis Young is directly lying to Marylanders! In changing the state song you are changing the history of the state for the past 76 years! Maryland's role in the civil war is part of what defines this state. People these days fail to realize these days is that history is history; we can't change it but we are supposed to learn from it. Our history does NOT definite who we are today - if that were the case I would be a racist slave owner. I can't change what my family and race did unto other in the past, but yet it seems as though the white man is still held accountable for the actions of his ancestors.

    Another noteworthy aspect that people somewhat fail to notice is that for some reason there is a wave of Maryland pride sweeping through the state. The O's are playing better, the Ravens are consistent contenders and if you haven't noticed there are MD flags on EVERYTHING right now. I see t-shirts, hats, bathing suits, even sneakers donning the Calvert and Crossland coat of arms. In recent years I haven't been very proud to say that I am from Maryland and my next move will be to Delaware, but pride in where you are from is very important to a lot of people. It is also good for commerce, tourism and unity. Lewis is tampering with that recent surge of pride that people are experiencing lately with this ridiculous proposal. Go kick sand and do something that is actually important!

  10. What rock did she crawl out from under
    to arms to arms

  11. You can bet your booties this was instigated by ob' to hide what he is doing... and the idiots and media are being sucked un..

  12. 2nd American RevolutionJuly 10, 2015 at 1:31 PM

    Do not fire unless fired upon...save your Ammo men and women!!!

  13. karen.young@house.state.md.us send your comments here and tell her what you think

  14. IF THIS SITE HAS SO MANY VEIWERS AND READERS...THEN stand up and write write and complain to these fools and don't stop emailing till your fingers are sore..Or is this site really a empty shell of fake posters ?? So we will see....email email email and scream scream..

  15. Why scream? ? Stop voting Democrat. Obama won because the STUPID whites thought he would make the world better. Hahaha keep doing those drugs hippies and infecting the mind's of your grandkids. LOSERS!!!

  16. This should go to a vote for all Marylander's to vote on whether or not to change the State Song. Why should a few of her constituents be making all the changes???? It is a state song and the state should vote on it, not a select few people.

    With all the other problems raising this state, the governor, and this country, I think this legislator would be better serve all Marylander's by doing something really important like bringing jobs into this state.

    If you give a liberal an inch they think they are a ruler over everyone and everything. A liberal progressive is a disease that devours any good in something and turns everything into a wasteland and garbage. They waste more time on feelings than actually doing a job, but come to think of it, they can't think and actually work out a logical plan.

  17. 10:3o and misled others. Maryland earned the nickname “Old Line State” in the American Revolution. The Maryland Line, Maryland’s regiments of regulars, achieved a reputation as the saviors of the Continental Army and the cause of independence. References to the “Old Line” are a tribute to the Maryland Line, but more specifically, to the first incarnation of the Maryland Line, the men who first mobilized in December 1775 and early 1776.

  18. Well here we go. By electing liberal democrats then we are shooting ourselves in the foot. These type of politicians are a disgrace and a cancer that need to be eradicated. Stop voting democrat, period. Our community values, as is our religious freedoms, are now a prime target for those who want to be completely politically correct at any cost. If this liberal democratic political whore wants to change our state song, then put it to a referendum vote statewide and let our democracy solve this absurd issue!

  19. So, this is what's next. I told you a couple of days ago that the flag BS was just the latest 'give me'. Now we know what's next. And there'll be more, you can count on it, folks.

  20. Actually, you better pay attention to this stuff. The most inclusive our society has ever been has been in the last 50 years - when mostly white, Christian, conservative (relatively) values have been in play. Now that progressives and aggrieved minorities are assuming power, our country is becoming a breeding ground for punk fascists who espouse hypocrisy and discrimination like we haven't seen in a century. As these people continue to gain power, this is going to get uglier. Believe me, they will not treat you, as a minority, with the benevolence with which they were treated. Not gonna be any affirmative action for whitey when he's the minority, I can assure you of that.

  21. One more thing if we allow this too we need to hang our heads in shame we are letting radicals prevail, and making everything racial when it isn't.

  22. In response to 12:38 the haters come from under the rocks, they slither on their bellies. And when they studied history they were either asleep, or in the principle's office all year!


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