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Sunday, July 12, 2015

South Carolina House approves removal of Confederate flag

The South Carolina House has approved taking down the Confederate flag from Capitol grounds.



  1. I used to think that Obama was missing a set of testicles , now I believe it's most of the country , with one exception , Trump.

  2. So very wrong. You cannot re-write history like they are trying to do and be politically correct. Shame on them.

  3. The beginning of the end of our Bill of Rights and the Constitution .

  4. Again. I hope all the white two faced legislators get their walking papers. Did you see the one carrying on crying OMG. WHAT DRAMA!!

  5. What a bunch of PC wussies our politicians have become!

  6. Time to stop living in the past. Move on.

  7. I weep for my country.

  8. 6:44 How easily you are fooled.

  9. To Hell with them all
    Hope they have seen their last term!!!!

  10. thot this was done 2 weeks ago???? still going on???

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Old Glory now shines brighter.GOD bless America.

  13. Cowards & Traitors all of them.

    So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

  14. Where's the private school genius ?!

  15. oh goodie !!!! now all the bad stuff will stop and no more racism ! glad that's over.(sarcasm)

  16. The South lost the war and with their tails between their legs, they agreed to rejoin the rest of the country as one nation under one flag and one set of rules under one Constitution.
    We are the United States not the land of Dixie.

  17. We have given and they have taken. We gave more and they took more. We gave them even more and they took it., then asked for more.
    It should, by now, be obvious to even the most casual observer that, we are never going to be able to give enough. I point to Chicago and Baltimore and Detroit and say, look at what our giving has gotten us as a nation. Three, once thriving, metro areas are now little more then war zones., it's not going to stop there, either. And, I'm not going to even get into education or hiring quotas or the like.
    Giving in to the demands of racial equality has not benefited the receivers. They're not going to care for and appreciate something they haven't earned, it's nature. Their future is just going to be, "Give me more, give me more., or I'll take it." So, look for more racial demands of even more outlandish and costly significance.

  18. OK...now what will be next? I find rap music with obscene lyrics offensive and threatening. Where do I go to have it removed from airwaves so I don't get frightened while shopping in stores? Honestly..I'm terrified. It is a traumatic experience whenever I go into shop. Is this a violation of my civil rights or something? And while we are at it.... I'm kinda afraid of the ISIS flag too.

  19. Another Loss for You guys chalk it up


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