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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Armed Robber Killed by Armed Citizen. Robber’s Family is Protesting. Calling for Justice.

Tamon Stapleton. age 18, from Knoxville, Tennessee was in the process of committing an armed robbery earlier this year when he was shot and killed by an armed citizen.

Stapleton was shot and killed by Isaac Scruggs. Scruggs is a convicted felon, however authorities decided not to charge him for possession of a firearm since he acted in defense of the store clerk. Stapleton was holding a loaded gun to the clerk’s head.

Now, his mother, Joy Stapleton, other family members, and members of the community are calling for “justice” and asking that the good Samaritan who shot him be charged with murder. The group held a candlelight vigil and a protest calling for justice outside of the store where he was killed.

“Of course it hurts my heart. My son is dead when easily 911 could have been called and he could possibly be in jail right now. I’m hurt. I’m hurt,” she said to WATE.



  1. I swear people are crazy.

  2. pos got what he deserved. shoulda been a better parent! one less thug in the world! yea!

  3. Are you kidding me? You raised an idiot and now he is dead. Tough luck.

  4. Oh well, just another crybaby Obama voter.

  5. This is why a person who has finished their time from certain crimes should still be allowed to own a weapon. A person may be a felon from one mistake in their life and is a good person. No need for a life sentence of any type for the rest of their lives. Owning a weapon is a right not a privilege. All felons can own and carry any black powder/ muzzle loading gun to hunt, so why not any other any time?

  6. Justice WAS served. She is an idiot !!!

    You just can't fix stupid

  7. Someone needs to deal with her as well.

  8. Maybe Mom needs to be next ?? Anything to get money ?? Guess he was the bread winner for the family along with welfare ??

  9. I have no sympathy. Darwin at work

  10. Pants up Don't LootJuly 16, 2015 at 4:15 PM

    Where is AL Sharpton and Jessie Jackson...

    Expect Riots in Baltimore...

    This is Ferguson all over again!!!


  11. What part of her son was holding a gun to the clerk's head does she not understand?

    Her crazy view is "If only they'd called 911 he could have shot the clerk and bystanders, grabbed his loot and run away. And my angel would still be here!"

  12. Another perfect example of how stupid these people are. Looking to benefit monetarily I bet. They won't admit that their precious loving son was willing to kill someone by blowing their heads off. That would have been ok, just don't touch our precious baby boy. Some people just don't deserve to be given anything not a second chance, not a smile, nothing. They are completely devoid of any worthy substance.

  13. 4:44 I was thinking the same thing! If the man hadn't shot her son he would of shot the clerk and the Good Samaritan. She's an idiot!

  14. She'll get over it, as soon as she figures out nobody is going to give her money and make her famous. Mr. Scruggs was a friend of the clerk, that's the only reason he went out to his car and got the handgun to shoot the criminal.

    He has a long history of violence and possession of illegal firearms, himself. But he's black too, so there's not going to be much public extortion to be had.

    I know they chose not to charge him, and although I'm glad they aren't, I am quite surprised. If it had been a white man, the fact that he left the store and deliberately went to retrieve his handgun, then came back into the store specifically to shoot him...they'd be howling in the streets about how he'd "executed him" because he was black. And I bet he'd be facing a whole list of charges, even though he technically did "the right thing".

  15. This just goes to show where some of the problems with today's youth comes from; the parents don't teach them any accountability for their actions. This woman actually thinks what her son did wasn't all that big a deal. Sickening!

  16. If Stapleton had shot the other guy it would have been ok with his mother cause her son would have still been alive

  17. They will sue and get billions!

  18. "Black mothers should not have to worry that their sons will die while committing a robbery!"

    1. No, they shouldn't.

      "Babymommas, don't let your kids grow up to be criminals..."

  19. Do you folks see the difference in mindset here?
    This woman and an entire class of American people see this as little more then normal. While most of the rest of the country sees it as a crime, an armed robbery.
    Yet, this minority class is winning the minds and actions of elected officials, not to mention of the MSM, all across the nation.
    The degenerate irony is blinding.


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