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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Official: Tennessee Shooting Suspect Identified As 24-Year-Old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — A U.S. official says the gunman in the shootings in Tennessee has been identified as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

He was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing, sensitive investigation. It was not immediately clear whether the gunman’s first name was spelled Muhammad or Mohammad.

He is from Hixson, Tennessee, which is just a few miles across the river from Chattanooga.



  1. how is "from Hixson" if he is FROM KUWAIT?

  2. Muslim bastard!!

  3. Tennessee another illegal sanctuary state?

  4. BAN ISLAM! If they are going to ban the conderate flag because of hate Islam should be banned as well.

  5. Another illegal POS that we give safe haven for home and family. When our we going to learn that 70 years ago it was a different time. You can't let MUSLIMS in this country PERIOD!!!! I meant real Muslims not the blacks that like to play dress up and change their name.

    1. Most Muslims are normal, peaceful people who are glad to be Americans.

      All the so-called "black Muslims" are hateful, racist and potentially violent, and they openly flaunt their hatred for America.

      Far worse, IMHO.

    2. What is a normal Muslim? ?

  6. Com'on! How about we start with... RIP to theose Marines and their families!

  7. However,if a Marine had shot him before he shot them that Marine would be charged with murder.The absence of prevention is punishable by death.

  8. Obama has blood on his hands. Hang him for treason !! Let's take away his secret service detail and Kerry also. Then we can sit back and watch them dodge bullets. Would be interesting watch them senvilling in a corner!!!

  9. I guess it will be called work place violence !!! Obama has sold us and our military down the road. Wake up America it's almost to late!!!!

  10. Another Islamic dirtbag.

  11. What does Obama have to do with this? Was he holding the gun? Was he the President during 9/11?

  12. Think it is time we send some Muslims to Allah....

  13. Really people? Yes - Obama has some blame. The government generally has some blame....blah blah blah. I read a headline stating that the people in Chatanooga are in "a state of shock". There is no time for this! We should not be in a state of shock. We should be in a state of readiness. This should come as no surprise. The enemy is here. They live among us. Just as the muslim radicals who flew the planes into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon, they live among us. Don't get sidetracked. Don't be distracted. Be prepared. Face these indisputable facts:
    They are here
    You know some of them
    They are not necessarily a specific skin color
    They may not speak with an foriegn accent
    They are driven by ideology not greed - they cannot be negotiated with
    You may not be able to identify them or know when they will strike so you must be able to recognize suspicious activity and be able to act decisively when it happens.

    You may think this is extreme. You may think this is over reaction. But this is the world in which we live today. It is perhaps more dangerous here because we are able to move about relatively freely and enjoy life enough to become relaxed and complacent. There are many among us who believe that we should continue ignoring the threat these people pose. Those people are sheep. They are victims waiting for a crisis to happen. Don't let that be you. Be armed. Be trained. Be prepared.

    To those in law enforcement - recognize the times in which we live. Exercise the necessary discretion relating to the good, law abiding citizen and their right to keep and bear arms recognized in the constitution. You can't be everywhere - we the people must be able to defend ourselves in an increasingly violent world. We the people will be the last line of defense against these types of attacks. And most of all - be diligent. Be safe!

    This is a call to arms to all good, law abiding Americans. Be ready! Be prepared! It is legal to open carry an unloaded long gun in your vehicle. It is also legal to carry ammunition in the same vehicle. Exercise your right to defend yourself and your family and be ready to do so when necessary.

  14. We can flush them out by having a Quran burning party. Or just a protest where we rub a Quran down with pig blood giving plenty of exposure on facebook. lol

  15. lone wolf terrorism. strikes anywhere, anytime.

  16. Where are the "community activists" demanding the Islamic flag be banned? Why aren't politicians falling all over themselves to remove korans from public places?

    Oh wait, only black lives matter to them.

  17. 6:15 don't drink the kool aid they hate us. Our way of life offends them to the core. Kill em all big and small.


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