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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Police Respond to Report of Fight at Public Pool — Now Officers Are Accused of Racial Targeting, Excessive Force

A fight reportedly broke out at the Fairfield Aquatic Center last week after staff told Krystal Dixon, 33, that her children would have to leave because they weren’t wearing proper swim attire. Signs reportedly posted at the pool state swimmers must have appropriate swimwear.

Police said Dixon “aggressively confronted pool staff” and a physical confrontation ensued. When a park ranger with the city was apparently unable to break up the fight, the official called police.

When officers arrived on scene, Dixon allegedly shoved an officer and was still refusing to leave, so she was arrested. Police said the mother also told a juvenile to “get a Taser from her purse” during the confrontation.



  1. FYI, before anyone slams these charges against these officers, please note that CRIMINAL is now a RACE!

    F-ing idiots.

  2. This woman was feeling entitled to do what she wanted. Why should she have to follow rules? !@#$%^^&*(

  3. I'm not defending these thug actions. I did see the the Chief said his officers used great restraint not using their weapons while being assaulted. Ok.... I don't think so! It's not restraint. It's how it should've been handled. You don't use a weapon against hands! If you officers can't knuckle up than you have no business being a cop! Mace at best. I'm tired of cops using sticks and tasers even guns to fight against unarmed citizens. How about not less then lethal force but equal force!

    1. You are so wrong. Not equal force. Law enforcement is allowed to go a step higher. Law of the land.

    2. So funny. Knuckle up. Ha thank you for the funny comment. We need more jokester in the world.

    3. Joe....this commentor is exactly the type of person I was referring to when I spoke to you about ignorant, unintelligent people speaking out with an uneducated opinion. A tazer is below a "stick" on the use of force continuum. Police use one level above that which is being used against them. A tazer causes much less damage than a closed fist. 2:26 Mace hasn't been used by police in years. They use OC spray. Oleo Resin Capsicum. Pepper Spray. Much less harmful than chemical mace. 2:26 You are in ignorant idiot who has no idea of how police are trained or why they are authorized to use the level of force they use. STFU!

    4. Well ty for the education on the order of beat downs. You've all missed the point. There is no need to go a step higher. Pulling that taser on a heart patient can be fatal. I think the sticks are safer. People just fall where ever on what ever. Not good.

  4. How about folks follow the law, 2:26? How about folks not doing as they please cause they're entitled?

  5. hey anon 2:26

    have you ever thought about what would happen if there were no cops?

    hey i have an idea. why don't YOU be a cop and see how you deal with situations like this.

    otherwise, shut up

  6. Too much force? It's a good thing I am not a cop involved in that cluster f--k when I told her to let go of the gate and she refused she would need medical care to reset a broken arm. What is wrong with people all they had to do was leave and there would have been no arrest instead they choose to act like animals (monkey's to be exact)and expect to be treated like a human. Here is a news flash respect the rules and you'll make it through much easier. But I guess they think they are ENTITLED W.T.F. .

  7. Just out of curiosity: What is considered "appropriate swimwear," and what was inappropriate about the swimwear of the people asked to leave?

    1. They were having sex in the bathrooms.

  8. If she assaulted an officer he should have tasered her butt!!! Give her something to think about with her punk thug attitude...bet her nasty kids act just like her. Parents are the problem with kids now anyway, they see a parent acting like a fool so they do to when an authority figure tells them to do something. Officers need to bury their faces into the concrete!

  9. We have rules and laws , just abide by them , then all is cool.
    Just because you are a person of color doesn't give you the right to break the law and then cry wolf. Maybe it does give you extra rights , just maybe. Come on my shift , I'll show you who goes to jail.

  10. 3:51 Whatever the facility deems "appropriate", which is normally posted all over the place. Why would that even matter? Even if they felt they were in the right, there's a right way and wrong way to go about getting your voice heard. They, like many others recently, chose the wrong way. And, they got what they put into the altercation.

  11. Excellent job officers!

  12. LE, I'm on your side with this one.
    Feeling 'entitled' and 'refusing to follow rules' seems as thought it's becoming the norm in the racial battle that's brewing.

    1. Should always be their side it's about the bigger picture. Every time you bash them sharpton smiles and Potus signs a new bill giving government more power.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm not defending these thug actions. I did see the the Chief said his officers used great restraint not using their weapons while being assaulted. Ok.... I don't think so! It's not restraint. It's how it should've been handled. You don't use a weapon against hands! If you officers can't knuckle up than you have no business being a cop! Mace at best. I'm tired of cops using sticks and tasers even guns to fight against unarmed citizens. How about not less then lethal force but equal force!

    June 17, 2015 at 2:26 PM

    Hate cops much?

  14. Thank you officers for doing your jobs. Keep up the great work.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Should always be their side it's about the bigger picture. Every time you bash them sharpton smiles and Potus signs a new bill giving government more power.

    June 18, 2015 at 8:10 AM

    No he signs a bill giving black people more power.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Well ty for the education on the order of beat downs. You've all missed the point. There is no need to go a step higher. Pulling that taser on a heart patient can be fatal. I think the sticks are safer. People just fall where ever on what ever. Not good.

    June 18, 2015 at 2:18 AM

    If it's a heart patient then maybe they shouldn't be in the middle of a brawl. Just saying!!

    Sheesh, now days cops need to ask a person if they are a heart patient before they are allowed to defend their own lives.

  17. Anonymous said...
    They were having sex in the bathrooms.

    June 17, 2015 at 9:59 PM

    That is disgusting.

  18. I just looked at several videos on youtube. It's not your typical pool, it's a nice water park like Jolly Rogers. Nice job Fairfield. To bad there are low life thugs living in the city the ruin everything. Can you imagine if this was in Salisbury? You would have nothing but ghetto church street thugs fighting every day. You would also get to pay for free passes(scholarships) for these church street thugs.

  19. That's exactly why we can't have nice things.

  20. 2:26 Police would have not been there at all if those folks didn't start the issue. They need to learn to behave.

  21. 9:50 At this point, the lack of basic manners, the aggressiveness, and the racially directed rudeness is taught in many of their homes as being acceptable. I just don't think they can behave anymore, not and live in teh hood.

  22. There is no need to behave if it's never your fault when you misbehave. It's not just at pools. Visit a school next year.


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