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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mayor Rawlings-Blake To Make History This Weekend

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake will make history in San Francisco this weekend.

Baltimore's mayor will be sworn in as president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Rawlings-Blake will become the first African-American woman to hold the influential leadership position, and the first Baltimorean. She was elected second vice president of the organization in 2013, putting her in a line of succession to become president.



  1. I'm just sick , this woman needs an attitude adjustment.

  2. This is the same mayor who said" give them room to destroy" on tape. Then lied and said " I never said give them room to destroy". Corruption at its finest.

  3. being black comes with privileged.

  4. She must have been selected by the same people that called Salisbury an "all-American city" - pure BS.

  5. Just shows that although state governorships and houses are becoming more conservative and republican the big cities are still liberal bastions.

  6. Wow she fits right in for Frisco. Another libtard takes the spot light. Maybe she will leave Maryland all together. I know I am as soon as I retire. The Dakotas are looking good right now.

  7. Just plain WRONG!

  8. Pathetic, at best.

  9. Are there any positions of status and power that aren't almost invariably handed to blacks nowadays?? Seriously.

    Not even considering their qualifications (or lack of), they are greatly over-represented in positions of authority and (purported) responsibility. Yet there is no accountability, ever. If they fail, it's always because whitey, because racism, because Republicans.

  10. The bottom of the scum barrel has finally risen to the top of the liberal socialist scum barrel. A true leader as demonstrated by her racist statements, her lying and her willingness and cooperation to allow her city to be burned to the ground. She has disdain for the police and is more divisive than Obama! No wonder our cities are crumbling and being destroyed by allowing leaders like her to persist! How sad!

  11. Even dogs don't get a treat when they drop the ball. Unbelievable!

  12. I think she has already made history. Just not in a good way.

  13. When did we become a society of giving rewards to people that do wrong.

  14. This was the best they had to represent them? That's sad!

  15. 3 shootings in 3 hours in Baltimore... Let's reward her.

  16. She's qualified because she's black, ask Rachel.


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