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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Michael Moore Demands Removal Of Confederate Flag, Wants Massacre Labelled ‘Terrorism’

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore called on someone, anyone in South Carolina to go to the state capital “2 tear that flag down now.” “That flag” is the Confederate flag that flies on the grounds of the state capital at a memorial to Confederate soldiers.



  1. I wish dumbasses like moore would learn history. Slavery was just a small part of the civil war and even then it only became an issue when ole abe was losing the war and freed the slaves so they would join his army and defeat the south. the war started because the south was making more money than the north and refused to pay the north tariffs or whatever they wanted. AGAIN, just another war about MONEY.

  2. I'd like to see Michael Moore castrated........he's totally overboard. Maybe I'll help get the flag down if he'll agree to be neutered and gagged.

    1. I'd rather hear him squall and whimper about it, while it proudly waves in defiance of fascist demands for revisionist "history".

      I don't care who chooses to be "offended" by it.

  3. This is hysteria,every one wants something or someone to blame.It's ACLU that created part of this situation.They need to be able to hospitalize these mentally challenged people.

  4. F him.

    Fat sanctimonious bastard. He has no right to demand any such thing.

  5. haha
    typical coward liberal trying to get others to do his bidding.

    here's my message to you cheesecake, come take it down yourself.


  6. F this douche bag. That flag had nothing to do with the shooting. The Confederacy had nothing to do with the shooting today. The Confederate soldiers were not traitors and racist, they were heroes who fought for their country, the Confederate States of America. They seceded, it was legal and many states would love to do that again.

    Get over yourselves if you don't agree with this.

  7. Throw him a Donut, and like most left democrats

    he will eat and forget all his problems!!!

  8. I guess Moore forgot White men died freeing the slaves. While we are at it so has Black America. Thousands of White men died so they can enjoy Black privilege. I get so pissed off at the racism directed at whites. Lincoln planned on shipping them back home. I strongly feel that is why he was assassinated. The truth was southerners did not want this to happen. Wonder what America would have been like if he was not killed. Blacks need to remember they were freed by White men. Their own tribesmen sold them. Get over it

  9. I don't believe the denial here slavery was a small part. Lol

  10. Mayor Joe... Please for one week only post comments if someone added their full name to stand behind their comments. Just wondering how comments would change

    1. Start with you?!

    2. Apparently you don't lead by example!!

  11. The flag is a symbol of pain. It is offensive to a large portion of people who live and raise families in this country. Let us not forget the true meaning of this flag and keep it in history....but unfortunately the symbol's meaning has been taken (hijacked if you will) to mean racial hatred. The natzi's did the same thing with the symbol they took to represent hatred toward jews. It is time to put the flag in a museum and restore its true meaning and leave the hatred behind.

  12. he needs another cheeseburger...

  13. To my fellow historian so you think slavery was only a small part of the Confederate . This just show wicked your thinking is , Slavery was economics for this Country Free Labor, This Nation wanted Black people to work for free while they were Raped , Beaten and Murdered and you think that's ok. People that think like America Have A judgment upon them. If you look at your History you are doing the same thing today all over the World. All in the Name Of PEACE , however you will not get any peace because as thou has done so shall it be done to you.

  14. I guess michael moore's legs are broke

  15. 9:17 spoken like a true Liberal, drinking the Obama Kool-aid, and seeing the world thru his Rose Colored Glasses.

  16. Sorry 10:58. It's the truth but your little fox news soaked mind can't handle the truth can it?

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mayor Joe... Please for one week only post comments if someone added their full name to stand behind their comments. Just wondering how comments would change

    June 20, 2015 at 7:26 AM

    and you didn't? Joe tried that before and hardly anyone commented. why do you need to know anyone's name?

  18. I had a cousin murdered by a black. Some sixty years ago. I guess under your philosophy I should hate all blacks. Get over it you have been free and given every opportunity to excel. Most have but you bleeding heart liberals make me want to puke. If you feel so guilty as to the black man plight feel free to walk on Pratt Street after dark. Hell just go to Booth and West I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms. lol Libtard

  19. I believe he is paid by a billionaire group to stir bs up. Suddenly he switched topics from hating Wall Street to racism. He is white theirfore he can't talk about it. Just ask Rachel.


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