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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

IRS Finds 6,400 New Lois Lerner Emails…Gives DUMBEST EXCUSE YET For Not Releasing Them

The Internal Revenue Service found 6,400 more Lois Lerner emails — but they’re not handing them over in court.

The IRS’ latest excuses are nothing short of infuriating.

Department of Justice lawyers Geoffrey J. Klimas and Stephanie Sasarak, acting as counsel for the IRS, submitted a U.S. District Court filing June 12 in the case Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service. The court filing, provided to The Daily Caller, claims the IRS received new Lerner emails from the Treasury Department’s inspector general (TIGTA) but can’t fork over the emails to Judicial Watch, a nonprofit group suing to get the emails.

Why? Because the IRS is busy making sure that none of the emails are duplicates – you know, so as not to waste anyone’s time.

However, the inspector general already made sure that none of the emails were duplicates, so the IRS’ latest excuse falls flat.

Here are takeaways from the court filing.


  1. Why don't they just say they need to clean them, that would be just as dumb yet closer to the truth.

  2. Somebody needs to go to jail.
    Start with Koskinen.

  3. What happened to being the most transparent administration in history??

  4. If Obama dressed in Muslim attire, blatently annouced he is purposely destroying this country. The STUPID American people would still support him! Anyone associated with Obama is above the law regardless of the crime. We are witnessing what a socialist government with dictators are all about. America is no longer a democracy.


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