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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Benghazi Emails Withheld From House Investigators

Sidney Blumenthal correspondence shows discrepancies with Hillary submissions

Sidney Blumenthal’s email correspondence on Benghazi suggests that the State Department or former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton did not turn over all of her emails to House investigators, as she has insisted, according to a report in Politico on Monday evening.

Mr. Blumenthal is a longtime Hillary confidante and friend who will testify privately before the the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Tuesday morning. The panel had recently subpoenaed his Benghazi-related emails, Politico reported.

Because Mrs. Clinton used a private email server rather than the government’s, she decided what emails were “official” communications that she would turn them over to the State Department. She has since scrubbed the server clean.

Among the material Mr. Blumenthal had turned over “were several emails concerning Libya between Blumenthal and Clinton that had not been previously turned over by State. Clinton has said she gave all her work-related correspondence, kept on her personal email server, to the State Department,” the Politico article by Rachael Bade reported.



  1. Hillary the liar, Hillary the crook, Hillary the do nothing, Hillary the cheat, Hillary the want to be president. What in the hell does she know how to do??? People really, do you all want to die this young??? I guess she figures well the country has had a black failure for president, why not a female president failure! What a waste of your vote.

  2. Hillary Clinton was fired from her House Judiciary Committee staff position during the Watergate investigation by her supervisor, Jerry Zeifman.
    When asked by the press why, he said "Because she's a liar. She's an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee and the rules of confidentiality."
    What the hell else does someone need to know about this POS?


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