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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Inventor of engine that runs on 80% water was jailed after making a video about it!


  1. Why was he jailed?

  2. I remember when this first came around. Around 2004 the guy plead guilty to securities fraud after running away with $200K of investor money and went to jail. When he got out he started his scams again in Oklahoma and when he was caught he refused to take his long time prescribed medications, making him unable to stand trial due to his mental condition, and was sent to a psych ward.

  3. Uh Duh 12:57PM

    It is all about the money, follow the money and you will learn real quick why he was jailed for a video...

    IF you people in this world only had half a brain you would come to the realization that there are vast ranges of tech out here that can help mankind in every way imaginable, and our own govt the USA has such tech... But it is about control and money so this is why he was jailed...

    If you care to know more, check out a video of Dr. Burzynski who was from Poland but lives in Texas or did live in Texas... where as he found a cure for a certain type of cancer and you can see in the documentary, that the govt feels that ONLY BIG GOVT COMPANIES with PANELS OF PEOPLE DOING RESEARCH CAN ONLY FIND A CURE not some old man... You will see where the govt said give them the cure or they would take it, and they did take it... they tried to indite him 25 times with no success...


  4. If this tech was legit someone would be making billions off of it. Just a scam.

  5. Anon 5:02 Wrong! He would be killed. The World Economy is based on OIL!

  6. Really you think they would allow this to go to market? Just like the high mileage carburators, and electric cars have been squashed by rich oil interests. So is the case here. Cant make money if no one buying a fuel.

  7. That engine has been around for 100 years.

  8. Same category as the apocryphal "90mpg

  9. If you do invent something revolutionary just keep it and use it yourself.


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