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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Colossal!!! US. FEMA. Training To Hang In Texas???

For the last few hours we’ve been looking over the photograph sent to All News Pipeline above (and again at the bottom of the story much bigger) to determine if it is real or if it has been photoshopped. If real, the American people deserve to know what’s going on in it, whether innocently some sort of training drill to rescue people from flood waters in Texas or some sort of bizarre torture ritual that goes back hundreds of years that our govt leaders are preparing to unleash upon the masses once again.

Reddit conspiracy is looking at the image originally published by Freedomslips, too, trying to figure out if what we are seeing is something monstrously heinous or simply preparing to save lives; prep for ‘public hanging and humiliation’ or water rescue 101? What are the blue buckets with side outlets for that are seen at each ‘hanging station’? The ties this photo has to a period of time we all thought had long past are alarming as shared in more detail below.

FEMA is quite fond of using RV’s as mobile command centers as shown in the pictures directly below. They also seem to like big sweeping swirl designs on their buses and the lettering looks legitimate on the picture above as well when compared to these other FEMA RV mobile command centers.

Sadly, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has such a horrid reputation that in 2015 America with Jade Helm unfolding across the country, the sinister viewpoint taken by Americans on this picture will quite likely rule out over the ‘water rescue training’ viewpoint, and for good reason some might argue considering the history going back to medieval times of such contraptions. From a source who is a retired US Navy SEAL.:

“At a much closer look, it’s three different types of hanging methods. One that cuts off circulation of the legs, one that cuts of circulation to the diaphragm and one that is a simple neck hanging. This is tutorial for the different hanging methods! This is a training session!!!!!!!! I would say it’s a joke set up by some bored FEMA guys, but the time it would take to set up all the ropes involved, seems too much work for that.”

We’re asked to noticed the shape of the hanging device being used, almost that of the pyramid, and the illuminati connections to the pyramid shape. We know through history such a triangular shape has been used to torture and put people on display for public humiliation. The image seen below left is from the Steve McQueen movie ‘Sand Pebbles’ from 1966. Below center is torture used by the Germans in Auschwitz; notice the clogs the prisoners are wearing are identical to the clog being impaled by the Jade Helm swords in the JH15 logo. Picture below right shows a ‘torture triangle’ from Port Arthur, a penal colony from Australian history.



  1. Getting ready for Obama's scorched earth policy to completely "transform" this country before his reign is up. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot transformed their countries in similar manner.

  2. From one of the comments: "So I just saw this circulating on facebook and got a good laugh because I actually know what is REALLY happening here. Some years ago my Urban Search & Rescue Task Force hosted a training for this very thing by FEMA. This is a course for firefighters to learn how to mitigate "peaceful protests." The object here is for protestors to erect these contraptions and place them in a place to cause the most problems, such as city hall, police departments, etc. The barrel has two 4" PVC pipes inserted into it with a metal rod in the end, and the contraption is then filled with concrete. With this, two individuals stick an arm down each pipe and handcuff themselves to the rod at the end. Leaving it so there's no easy way to remove them without harm. The other, if you move any of the legs to get them down, you basically hang them in whatever way they chose to to strangle themselves. This course is designed for first responders to learn how to not cause harm to these people and still remove them. Because once they get themselves into these devices, not even they can remove themselves. " Let's hope so.

    1. Wow. Training go treat us like third world countries. Says it all.

  3. What would we do without trolls, yes Jade Helm is just our imagination.


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