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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Finish This Sentence...

IT MAKES YOU ___________.


  1. A free citizen exercising your liberties and freedoms, exempt from the tyranny of bad ideas and governments.

  2. Free to move to Iran

  3. and the people who have influenced you look unpatriotic and ungrateful for those who have given their lives for your freedom.

  4. A flipping idiot and a jackass

  5. Ready for deportation and your citizenship revoked!

  6. i cant say it on here it would be _____?????%%%%$$$$#####

  7. Most likely a liberal democrat.

  8. anti-American, so move your ass out of here!! And while doing so, don't bother calling cops are professing your rights as an American.

    Move your ass out! Damaging the flag in any way should be a crime!

  9. if anybody in his family is a veteran,he needs to be taken out behind the shed and dealt a good can of ass whipping polishing up my louisville slugger for just such an occasion

  10. proud to be an American because you live in a country that provided that freedom.

  11. Obama figuratively.

  12. Subject to a good ass whoppin.

  13. Someone who hates America hope he leaves.

  14. Scumbag TRAITOR!

  15. Stupid.

    Just imagine the trouble you would get into if you burnt the flag of Iran, or some other Muslim country.

  16. Realise that most people burning a flag are not protesting their country, military members, or their "freedoms", they are protesting the government.

  17. UN-AMERICAN.......move to Russia..

  18. Selfishly ungrateful

  19. I see folks on here are well brainwashed. They still think we go to war for our freedom. We go to war for the same reason we have always gone to war, money. Nobody is attacking us for our freedoms, except our own govt. We wage war for Gold, Oil and Drugs. That is the govt's GOD. I don't care how many imaginary borders anyone makes, we all are still stuck on the same planet together. You can't leave. No matter which plot of land you say you own or which flag you say is the best. As long as people remain divided over land, flags, wealth, etc., we will always have wars.

    The same things you think about your country and your flag those 'other' nations think the same about theirs.

    Everybody thinks they are better than someone else, and will kill them to prove it. lol. You should care more about people and humanity more than some piece of colored fabric.

  20. My enemy or an object of my pity.


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