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Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Viewer Writes...

Anonymous said...

I saw two black hawk helos in ocean city today. Why are they here?

Publishers Notes: I have been receiving calls all day and even witnessed it myself while driving on Rt. 50. 

One viewer said, "They were flying so low I could tell you the color of their skin". 

Another viewer stated they say two black hawks and Trooper 4. 

Mark this date Ladies & Gentlemen, July 10th. On or about that date, you mark my words, something BIG is going to break in the United States of America. 


  1. There's three Wicomico County Sheriff' vehicles blocking the entrance and exit to Pittsville Middle School right now.

  2. lol...if something "big" was going down, it wouldn't be happening here in bf egypt.

    1. No you're wrong.......this is precisely where it would be happening. Resistance here will be fierce. Very rural and the locals know the terrain. Mapping and dividing sectors is what they are doing.

    2. This is just one piece of the puzzle 1:10. No place is sacred. No one will be unaffected.

  3. What's happening? Why do you say this?

    1. Jade helm type set up is now confirmed in Virginia.

  4. one flew over salisbury (circled the northern half of salisbury) around mid-morning.

  5. Low flight is what helicopters are good at. H-60 helicopters are used by all branches of the service and there al a lot of bases in our region. Salisbury is also home to its very own airport where they occasionally refuel and conduct flight training at a less congested airport. This all might be hard to take in, or maybe I just misplaced my tinfoil lined hat. Remember, the military is staffed by your sons and daughters.

  6. Saw gray/light blue helicopters with U.N. on them yesterday near Vienna. Doing the same things the dark ones usually do. Formation and maneuvers.

  7. I saw one too. On the west side of Salisbury. Heads up folks

  8. Saw 3 military type trucks and a bus heading east on route 50 at about 8:45ish this morning....I wasn't paying total attention to them but I did take notice. This was probably in the willards/Pittsville area.

  9. Saw 2 military hummers with soldiers in Nanticoke Md yesterday at 3pm
    choppers over head.
    lock and load people

  10. Looking for the escaped prisoners maybe or getting practice for military rule with our great king and ruler Obama.

  11. Keep in mind that this is prime time for Reservists and Nat'l Guard members to do their annual two week training.

  12. One has been hovering over the house past couple days that cant be good.

  13. FEMA camp at the airport in the woods.

  14. Jade Helm will not be limited to the seven states in the west and mid west. Smaller scale operation have been held here over the past 5 - 10 years. Think about Jade Helm....who wear Jade (blue) Helmets? U.N. Soldiers!

  15. Saw a super quiet black helicopter fly over St. Mary's County on the other side of the Bay on Saturday. It was so quiet I wouldn't have heard it if I were not sitting out on the pool deck. Didn't know they made them that quiet. Unnerving to say the least.

  16. "Jade" is green, 4:04. lol

  17. Jade is green to blue green. Sometimes resembles turquoise. The connection is easily made.

  18. I think all of you should grab your guns and run to the nearest Army outpost and let them know you will not allow this and will take any action needed to resist! Let me know how that works out for you.

  19. I wonder just how these participants, the pilots, the crews and troops, actually feel about what they are being ordered to do. I wonder just how far they will go toward firing on their fellow countrymen & women [the pregnant ones too]. What in the hell are they being told that they're 'protecting' or 'defending'?
    In the past I've been a vigilant supporter of our military, in fact I was raised in a military family, but., if our military isn't bright enough to see that they are being played by someone or are more obedient to a traitorous government then to their own common sense and feelings, then my lifetime of support has been wasted on yet more corruption.

  20. FEMA region 3 meets Jade Helm in Willards

  21. Jade has been green as hell for my 61 years, Doofus! Maybe You need to go to the paint store again and sniff some Testor's!

  22. I was at the fishing pier this morning in OC, I saw the black helicopter fly over my head, it was so close I could see people sitting in the door then it dropped straight down on the other side of the motel there. I couldn't see it then but I could still hear it hovering. In about one minute it came back up up flew in a circular pattern over the pier area again and headed northeast. I thought it was some new helicopter ride.

  23. Thank you all for the hilarious comments.Even funnier because I actually do know why they're here.Rather than my going into detail just rest assured it's for our safety.Some things you don't need to know.

    1. Go into detail. Or are you just full of carp.

  24. 9:11 Thank you Mr.Troll. It's always about our "safety".

  25. Obviously some of us must not get out much. What's this "jade helm" thing?

  26. Remember, the military is staffed by your sons and daughters.

    June 19, 2015 at 2:26 PM

    So? They are trained, ( brainwashed ), to take and follow orders. there have already been targets used with images of civilians on them to acclimate them to killing civilians. You can bet YOUR life the same kids you raised before they were indoctrinated will not kill you, but I will not.

    you can call me tinfoil hat wearing _____ all you want but it is worse than we know. obammy already purged military leaders who would not fire on citizens, or have you all forgot that? you think it is an accident or on rare occasions that police kill civilians? you haven't been paying attention.

    and don't forget who owns 90% of our media or the fact that the C.I.A. has been running the media for quite some time. power corrupts. our leaders are human. they have become corrupt just as all the other governments in any other nations have become.

    if I'm wrong you can laugh at me all day long. but what if I am correct? think about that.

  27. Anonymous Steve said...
    Jade has been green as hell for my 61 years, Doofus! Maybe You need to go to the paint store again and sniff some Testor's!

    June 19, 2015 at 8:24 PM

    Spell Syllables
    Examples Word Origin
    either of two minerals, jadeite or nephrite, sometimes green, highly esteemed as an ornamental stone for carvings, jewelry, etc.
    an object, as a carving, made from this material.
    Also called jade green. green, varying from bluish green to yellowish green.

  28. idiots if gives them training for crap like in Baltimore. It also acclimates soldiers to urban settings. maybe just maybe we will need them when the Baltimore Six are acquitted. Now go back and get in your closets lol

  29. Good Lord, protect these fools who believe seeing a policeman doing his job automatically puts us in a policed state, who believe firemen do nothing but ride the roads and are now feeling threatened by WWIII because of military practices.

    These are the folks always conjuring up wild tales because it is easier to post false info on a blog, instead of looking for answers

    Oh well, lesson learned on the true meaning of "JADE". Thanks 11:15 to actually know how to investigate for an answer, instead of like the others who moan and groan over gossip and have not an inkling of what is truly happening.

  30. Maybe they are watching out for Sharks.

  31. Don't they do military practice at their bases? Can they just traipse through anyone's woods claiming it's "maneuvers"? Sounds kind of fishy to me. I hope they are paying the property owner for using his land.

  32. Some commenters on here would welcome communism and a police state.

  33. Saw the black hawk make two laps and an ospray make two laps (followed the same route as banner planes) around OC Friday. Saw the Ospray again same day over downtown Salisbury during Third Friday.

  34. I live in Wicomico , in the country, and I was doing lawn work when a huge plane flew overhead. It flew up behind my riding mower so I turned to look up and this is what I saw when it went over my head. The plane was wide and huge flying very close to the ground. There was a clear bubble shaped window on the bottom of the plane that was very odd in appearance and clearly held camera like equipment. At first I just though maybe it was a google plane or a plane used for mapping....but I have seen it again and now it concerns me. I have also witnessed 2 large drones...which are the type you see on CNN. I have no idea what is going on around here....but something is going on. There is nothing we can do about it....so I don't dwell on the thoughts of why they are here but this posting has given me time to think. What is going on?


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