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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fine Dining on the taxpayers dime, oops dollars

Arrogance never ends in our local governments. While taxes are being increased in Worcester County and teachers are not getting pay raises local county officials will be sopping up on steak and other top of the line fare at one of the finest restaurants on the shore. 

That's right folks the Tri County Council will entertain elected officials from Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties on June 24th at the Blue Dog CafĂ© in Snow Hill Md. This group is funded by the three counties and the state of Md (this means your taxpayers dollars). 

The Tri County Council is known to be willing to spread the wealth around by dining at some of the more upscale dining establishments ie Ruth Cris Steak House among others. Maybe the teachers that are complaining recently should show up and demand a free meal.

You know, "It's For The Children". 


  1. Ran in to Norm there recently!

  2. you mean the same "children" who are dumb as clams? Who can't thing, read, write cursive, or go 30 seconds without looking at their cell phone. Who don't know current events, civic happenings, history, geography, or how to do simple arithmatic? The same children who don't know manners or civility because their parents don't know any. Yeah, its for the children alright - it sure as hell doesn't show in the results. I suppose the teachers are being forced to teach the way they do with a forced upon curriculim but all they are doing is formulated the dumbest generation since the founding of the republic.

  3. There are many fine caterer's with excellant food which could supply these meetings with food. Besides why does a meeting have to include a dinner or even lunch, eat before or after on your own dollar. There are 10's of thousands Maryland families that these days to have beef in a meal is a special occasion due to the high price!

  4. Blue Dog is a fun place -- you'll like it.

  5. 7:36 AM, might be a fun place and I might like it, but I'd like to find out on my own. I'd rather spend my money the way I want to and find out for myself.

  6. The Blue Dog is an extremely expensive establishment. They could have chosen some place less expensive. But then...it's not their money.

  7. Well said 6:56 am!!! And very true 7:01 am. It's always about a meal....why do you have to meet and eat at the same time. In my experience, it is so much more productive (more things get done) if they just meet without dining out. Nothing gets done when dining out, it's just a "GOOD OLE BOY GET TOGETHER" on someone else DOLLAR!!


  8. Blue Dog fine dining? Not even close.

  9. Thief's all govt Rob all the American citizens but if u come from over seas u get a corner store and no taxes

  10. My mamma said "don't talk with your mouth full of food".

  11. all tax payers should show up but they wont.

  12. Just what does the tri county council do? I've never heard of them, they are probably some organization that spends our tax dollars on foolishness. I do know that the counties are raising taxes and this is the sort of thing that should be abandoned before taxes are raised!

  13. It is my understanding that Wicomico County is the worst of any counties for meet and eats. A few years ago the BOE even had a Friday night meeting at the Old Mill and Ron Willy cries about not getting enough funding. They are a joke.

  14. 9:59 am. That's exactly right. They should delete on Dinners, etc all the fringe benefits before raising taxes. So unnecessary spending. Wow, just wow!!! In private business, This wouldn't be allowed!!!!

    Why would anybody spend 1000.00 large dollars to feed them?

  15. If Somerset is part of this Rick Pollitt will be there.

  16. Joe this was on your blog a couple of years ago and Sherry Sample Hughes defended it.

  17. Eliminate the food bill all together and give it to the teachers - term used very loosly - and they'd probably get a whooping 3¢ in the next few paychecks while the productivity of those trying to help goes down even further.

    Again proving you can't cure stupid.

  18. The Blue Dog is a fine establishment, and indeed it is a blast.

    It's also tiny, which probably means they've booked the whole place.

    The food, by the way, is excellent.

  19. I would still like to know what the he$$ the tri county council does? What is it's purpose and do we really need it? I doubt that we really need it, just another waste of tax dollars.

  20. This reminds me - what ever happened about the credit card use by Wicomico County Board of Ed employees? It just kind of went away - was anything ever done about all the wasteful spending. Do they still have and use the credit cards? Someone, please let us know.

  21. 6:56 says ... I suppose the teachers are being forced to teach the way they do with a forced upon curriculim but all they are doing is formulated the dumbest generation since the founding of the republic.

    Saying such things sure makes you sound dumb. The best of these young
    people will be running our companies,are government,taking care of us in our old age and doing just fine.

    As to these government people spending money at the Blue Dog which may be tax money I am sure the owners of the Blue Dog, a private business, is not complaining.

  22. Go to the Tri-County Council home page and look at the meeting minutes. The 1-8-15 minutes that were posted on 1-15-15 states they met at the Hyatt, were called to order at 12:55 PM and then adjourned at 1:00 PM. Hope they had a big expensive meal because after spending all of five minutes in a meeting they must have been famished. Your tax dollars at work.

  23. Go to their website and look at their minutes. It would be a hoot if it weren't so sad...

  24. Tri county council is a money pit for the less fortunate and big wigs.

  25. 1130 am. Seriously....what do they do and why do they need them! That is the exact question that needs to be answered. Just because someone says it's so doesn't make it "so". Very good point!

    Why do we need Tri-County mess??? someone still doesn't know I am assuming. That's baffling.

  26. None of the luncheons/dinners should be allowed.
    They disgust me!
    Time the people of the Counties demanded better!!!

  27. I must assume that the Tri county council does nothing since no one can explain what it is that they actually do!

    The rational thing to do at this point is to dissolve the organization unless you really like paying taxes so others can engage in extravagant behavior at your expense.

  28. Exactly how much do the counties contribute to this group and where does the money go other than for high price dinners?

  29. How could we ever eat at places like that if yall didn't pay for it?

  30. "Anonymous said...

    you mean the same "children" who are dumb as clams? Who can't thing, read, write cursive, or go 30 seconds without looking at their cell phone. Who don't know current events, civic happenings, history, geography, or how to do simple arithmatic? The same children who don't know manners or civility because their parents don't know any. Yeah, its for the children alright - it sure as hell doesn't show in the results. I suppose the teachers are being forced to teach the way they do with a forced upon curriculim but all they are doing is formulated the dumbest generation since the founding of the republic.

    June 15, 2015 at 6:56 AM"

    I agree and this is why I have no real sympathy for teachers. They need to band together and say enough is enough we will NOT teach to the test any longer! But they won't. They take the path of least resistance and as a result are failing the children big time.
    They need to stand up to the admins who have their heads shoved up the butts of the democrat political machine and obey their orders without questioning whether it benefits the children.

  31. 12:06 says-"Saying such things sure makes you sound dumb. The best of these young
    people will be running our companies,are government,taking care of us in our old age and doing just fine."

    Do you pay any attention to what is going on in this country?
    FYI major corporations are having to send out head hunters to other countries because the US educated can't compete esp in the Sciences, Technology, Education and Mathematics fields.
    These companies are lobbying Congress to speed up the Visa procedure so qualified hires can come to the US to work.

  32. Seriously why does every meeting, workshop, networking etc have to include food? So many people are fat nowadays and it's because they can't do anything unless something to shove in their mouths is involved. I've not ever seen anything like it.

  33. Social Services does the same thing. And they on also on Tri-County eating their way through years of entitlements.

  34. "The Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland was formed by an Act of the Maryland General Assembly in 2001. The purpose of the Council is to facilitate regional planning and development in Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties."

    That is at the top of their website page.

    Obviously, they do nothing in this direction...

    They eat food. And, have 5 minute meetings.

  35. They are a waste of time, and the taxpayer's money. Get rid of this phony organization.

  36. Thanks 7:52! All I can say is "what a waste of money". This sounds like a typical waste of taxpayers money and should be immediately dissolved. Typical democratic program that does nothing except make a few people feel good at others expense.

  37. They should have their meeting scheduled in a reasonable facility, with an hour long lunch break so they can go get their own lunch, or brown bag it, like everyone else does.

  38. The Tri County is a group of posers pretending they are working on development. Heck, this group supported the Great Bay Wind project down in Somerset that was going to raise our electric bills statewide and lower Somerset's citizens property values.

    Now they are pushing solar development in the counties which increases our electric bills even more, but guess what, their rich buddies are going to profit through land leasing. Beware... there are projects being developed in Wicomico and Somerset and Worcester is going to get the offshore turbines. Yikes!

  39. I hope the 35 that just lost their jobs show up.


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