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Sunday, June 21, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: South Carolina church shooting suspect identified

UPDATE: Suspect has been taken into custody in North Carolina.

Suspect being hunted in deadly Charleston church shooting is Dylann Roof, 21, local authorities confirm.



  1. Liberals teaching anti-Christian views.

  2. How much do you want to bet that this is yet another kid on some kind of antidepressant? Which means that once again, the news orgs will ignore that (because every ad you see on tv is for some drug or another) and big pharma own the Dem party, and they own the news.

  3. He said something about blacks dating whites.

    1. That shouldn't be happening.

    2. They should be keeping an eye on you too...

  4. 11:43 Obama and his Administration have been pushing those anti-Christian views.

  5. Can anyone identify his patches/ logos/ flags?

  6. tolls needing a hobby

  7. Hillary was in town not 30 mins before this happened. I know damn well she had something to do with this. Pushing that race agenda.

  8. He should not have had the weapon since it was a gift from his father. That is against Federal Law unless it was transferred to him from his father going through a FFL dealer which nobody has stated as of this time.

    1. Stfu with that gun control crap. Not one person here wants to read it!

  9. Liberals have nothing to do with this. Neither do conservatives. This stems from small-mimded, hate-filled people who want the world as dark as their own soul. If guilty, this punk-ass needs to die quickly.

  10. why is it automatically a "hate" crime? b/c he is still living? b/c it fits the agenda? what proof is there to even levy that statement? i do not get that

    1. This racist skin head admiited to the killing and said he wanted to start a race war because he hate black people. You people on the shore are so dam ignorant

  11. 11:43 I agree. It was the reason Obama went out to speak on this one. His goal - along with most liberals - is to eliminate religion. Except of course Islam.

  12. He ought to be released scott free in Baltimore at a set time and place that all law enforcement immediately abandons. Then when its all over you show his bloody maimed body all over TV. These sick bastards have some belief that they are achieving infamy through mass murder (sine they are all losers they can't get it any other way). If they knew that they would be brutally beaten to death instead of being given a lawyer and coddled in solitary confinement protection you wouldn't see this. That is why these psychos shoot up schools, movie theatres and churches. They know that the victims are completely defenseless and so they aren't afraid. I would rather give up cruel and unusual punishment than the right to protection. And the way I see it if you are this bat @#$& crazy, society needs to eliminate your genes from the earth.

    1. Why? Haven't we seen enough blacks kill and beat whites in the last couple years? They made this a game for Christ's sake.

  13. What the hell difference does it make if it's called a hate crime or not? A killing of this nature has to contain some kind of hate...hate for human life! Either way, there are innocent people that are dead. There is nobody else to blame and no sides to pick. The liberal and conservative BS is dumb and doesn't do any good. If we should look for a cause, mental illness comes to mind and it's not the kind that you can cure. The only cure I can think of is the Death Penalty!


    1. Sure let's kill the mentally ill. Idiot.

    2. Pretty much every person in death row is mentally ill...what's your plan?...counseling?...Idiot!

  14. Hey 12:10, those flags are the flags of apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. He also had a Confederate flag on the tags for his car.

    1. Duh. Most whites in the south sport a Confederate flag. It not hate. It is heritage.

    2. Heritage of a bunch of traitors who deserted the United States of America to keep the right to own slaves. Hate was built into the creation of the CSA. I see that flag, I want to ask the owner "Why do you hate America?"

  15. 12:10, they are the flags of south africa and rhodesia.

  16. Thank you 11:59. I can't believe that you were the only one blaming Obama.

  17. 1:29 Worn by white supremacists who support apartheid.

  18. It's hate 2:08, pure hate.

    1. No, it isn't. Southerners are entitled to pride in their heritage and culture.

      Pride in one's culture doesn't automatically equate to hate for anyone else's.

  19. Obama brain washing continues.

  20. Apparently he was arrested a few months back for Suboxone possession. Suboxone is prescription drug that is given to opiate/heroin addicts to get them off of heroin. Unfortunately it is highly addictive and has side effects. He didn't have a prescription for it so he had to have bought it on the streets.

  21. “Confederate States of America” license plate on his car

    “I have to do it,” the terrorist said, according to a survivor. “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.”

    Still don't think it was a hate crime?

  22. "“I have to do it,” the terrorist said, according to a survivor. “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.”

    Still don't think it was a hate crime?

    June 18, 2015 at 3:42 PM"

    This statement attributed to the shooter if true, is proof in and of itself that this is not a "hate crime." He's saying his actions were caused by what he perceives blacks are doing/have done as opposed to what they are: i.e. a different race. It's a crime of revenge.

    1. Lmao...revenge?...geez you're dumb!

    2. It was a hate crime, because the people sitting there in church simply represented the worthless thugs he hated, they weren't the actual criminals themselves. If he'd mowed down a bunch of gangbangers, that would have been a little different...not to mention a good start.

      It would be "revenge" if he'd offed some thugs who had committed a crime against him or his loved ones.

      A list which is growing at an alarming rate, and we can only hope does not provoke more violence. Truly a tragedy, that this has happened.

  23. @12:55
    I thought the same thing, actually. Whenever there is an offense towards a race other than white people, it is always labeled a "hate crime." But apparently this guy actually stated "I came to kill black people" according to some of the survivors in the church. Which I would agree, makes this a hate crime.


  24. " Anonymous said...

    “Confederate States of America” license plate on his car"

    So? Why all the outrage over the Confederate flag by blacks and the politically correct. It's nonsense and foolish. If anything they need to be outraged over the democrat party who if it were up to the democrats blacks would still be owned by whites and in some ways they still are enslaved by the democrat governments. So so many are completely dependent on the government for everything. That is called being a slave.

  25. Nice spin 4:25. I'm sure it took you a while to dream that one up.

  26. "Charleston shooter Dylann Storm Roof was reportedly taking a drug that has been linked with sudden outbursts of violence, fitting the pattern of innumerable other mass shooters who were on or had recently come off pharmaceutical drugs linked to aggression..."

  27. FYI 4:44 It took me about 1/2 a second to "dream that one up."
    You can be assured my IQ level is extremely high. You could only wish to be as intelligent as I am.
    This allows me to comprehend what I read, something you obviously lack. If he said what is claimed he said, it's revenge for what he perceives blacks are doing. He came to kill blacks? Why? Not because they were black but because of what he thinks they are doing.
    If he killed them merely because they were black without a reason then yes that may be a hate crime.
    It's not spin. It's fact. Do you understand. I doubt it.
    You publicly school "educated" never fail to disappoint.
    Now go away because another thing you can be assured is that you will never ever match wits with me.

    1. You sound like Donald Trump only poorer..lol

  28. Moron obama right off the bat with the Guns.

  29. 208...hes about as mentally ill as all the kids in th e ghetto killing and robbing. Maybe they are all mentally ill too.

  30. Comment from 5:19 reminded me of a famous quote from Winston Churchill. "Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man". Thus I won't even try.

  31. %;19 love to hear you argue that in front of a judge. "Say what, you on drugs?"

  32. Holy crap some of you people are morons. I'm looking at you, guy that claimed he had an "extremely high" IQ yet somehow missed that wearing a jacket w/ flags supporting Rhodesia (white supremacist government), Apartheid South Africa (ditto), and having CSA tags (sure, spin it as a "heritage," only if you accept that "heritage" involves fighting - and losing - a war to retain black people as slaves. Obviously this kid was deep into some racist s#!t, and as it was a racist motivated killing - remember the racist claims of black men raping white women? - it's a hate crime. Pretty simple hate crime argument, despite what some of you might claim. Don't fall into the trap of this being a "mental health issue" thing, this kid was as much of a terrorist as Tsarnaev, even if his skin color looks alarmingly more like your own.

    - courtesy of your friendly neighborhood legal expert, someone who should know better than to engage some of the dregs of this blog.

    1. Stick to legal issues then, because your knowlege of history, foreign governments and demographic distribution of violent crime is lacking.

  33. I'm not a religious person at all, but nothing warms my heart more than on Sunday mornings going by the 'black' church in Bishopville and the 'white' church. There is no more accurate depiction of the USA than seeing the faithful on their way to worship. These are the folks. These are the salt of the earth people.
    My feeling is that that murderer had the devil in him. He's not mentally ill. He admitted to pausing for a brief moment and still decided to kill these people. That is not the actions of a true person with mental issues. Then the no good loser fled, again proving he knew right from wrong proving mental illness is not an issue. He's just a truly evil person.


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