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Sunday, June 21, 2015

An Update On My Post From Last Week

Last week I wrote an article, A Message I Just Can't Hold Back Any Longer . I have received a tremendous amount of calls and e-mail messages referencing that article and I want to follow up with this new message. 

I had been asked by SU TV in an interview if I was going to be as hard on Republican Elected Officials as I have done in the past with Democratic Elected Officials. I explained to them that we take our endorsements very seriously and IF ANY elected official didn't fulfill their platform, we would absolutely go after them.

That being said, six months have passed since the last election and it is time we start getting answers from each person serving us on a local level, WHERE'S THE JOBS YOU PROMISED? 

You see, one thing I left out of my last post from last week was, why get a college education if there's no full time jobs available? Why spend all that money if the majority of jobs available are part time with no benefits? Will parents get smart and stay ahead of the curve, or will they continue to fall for the BS and financially support these college educations that have no real return on one of the biggest investments each person will make over their entire lifetime. 

Now we can make this a national discussion but quite frankly I'd like it to remain an Eastern Shore discussion and let me tell you why. Like I stated in my last article, we CAN build our way out of this national problem on a local level. We CAN set an example for the rest of America to follow, it truly can be done. However, the majority have to get on board.

I say, enough of these catch phrases these politicians keep using. This time around I want smart enough and experienced enough people running that CAN create good paying jobs. People with enough experience, wisdom and drive to actually make a positive difference. 

Look up San Antonio Texas and see what they've done. Salisbury already has a river running through it, DO SOMETHING WITH IT! 

Look up Great Wolf Lodge in Virginia:
There is NOTHING saying this can't be built in Wicomico County and it can remain open ALL YEAR ROUND! 

Think of the food and lodging this would create. You must make Wicomico County a "DESTINATION LOCATION" and none of what I have been proposing is too far fetched.

What I have been proposing for years will take work, something ALL of your elected officials have NOT delivered. Because they continue to load the state up with so many new laws and legislation there doesn't seem to be enough time for economic development and that needs to come to an immediate end. 

Once you create enough anchor locations you'll start seeing more interest in other businesses wanting to invest in the Shore BUT you have to create a base first. You need to make some incredible deals to get it started. Look at Orlando Florida. It all started with Disney World and now look what's there. There's no need for a Rain Tax! You just have to work hard and be creative enough.

Let's go on a bigger scale for a moment. The TESLA company is well known for their cars but what most do not realize is their advancement in new battery technology. They created a manufacturing facility in the West Coast that manufactures these incredible new batteries that retain/store unbelievable amounts of wind and solar energy. You mark my words Folks, this technology will be the biggest thing we've seen since the massive invention of computers.

They can set a residential home up for around $17,000.00 and completely take you OFF THE GRID during peak hours and save every single home an absolute fortune is electric savings. This has also been developed for commercial use. TESLA wants to open up SEVEN more manufacturing plants across the Unites States that will be hiring tens of thousands of new employees and delivering great paying jobs. 

Now, I have presented this to our local elected officials and have they done anything about it, NO. I asked them weeks ago to get on a plane immediately and ask them what it would take to get them to open a facility here in Wicomico County. Once again, it must be too much work and or our elected officials are simply too GREEN to have enough confidence to handle the job. 

It's time to open your minds. It's time to think BIG. A bar here and a bar there, NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I will be dedicating this week to calling our elected officials to ask them just where Wicomico County is headed and what we can expect over the next 3.5 years. My guess, not very far. Unless you want to account for the new Rain Tax in Salisbury. That's the most economic development Wicomico County has seen in several years and the only jobs it created was, well, none!

Can I get an AMEN?


  1. What is Andy Harris doing about jobs? I have not heard anything except a big push to stop marijuana in the district, which isn't even his problem. if anything we could use the shore to grown the stuff.
    Wasn't that his campaign too? jobs, jobs, jobs

  2. I have been saying the very same thing Joe! Both the County Executive and the Mayor should be standing at the corporations doors with hat in hand. There is no reason why plants should be springing up in other areas of the country (Georgia comes to mind) while we lose manufacturing. Our proximity to several economic centers and the supposed "lower cost of living" here on the shore shore entice any number of companies. If those companies are offered some tax incentives then maybe we can get some people off of the entitlement system.

    The chances are that our elected officials are a bunch of wimps and that it will probably have to be left up to the private citizens in the area, who have the money and clout, to go to these corporations and put the Eastern Shore on the map.

    Just my 2 cents.

  3. I love your ideas Joe. It's a shame you weren't elected. That being said perhaps you should contact Governor Hogan. He has a lot of obstacles facing him but perhaps your ideas will inspire him to other options in getting things through the ignorant democrats still left in the legislature.

  4. Yes, still waiting for CE Culver's plans. Remember, he promised.

  5. 1:11, I didn't contact the Governor because I felt the initial contacts should be done through EASTERN SHORE Elected Officials first.

    Why take the chance of delivering creative ideas like Tesla with a possibility it could be brought to Baltimore instead.

    Fly out there and ASK them what it would take for them to consider the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We NEED the jobs.

    As for the other commenter who said these ideas wouldn't work because of the lack of educated people here on the Shore, that's a load of crap and that's why you were rejected.

    We have THREE colleges here locally. Now, IF you are suggesting when these students graduate they actually didn't get a real education, well, that would mean each and every parent should sue UMES. WOR-WIC or SU.

    Another commenter stated I should put up all my money and stop complaining. It never ceases to amaze me how LIBERALS always come up with crap like that whenever a conservative puts out great ideas.

    I'm very confident there are many more of you who can throw out some great ideas as well. My ideas are just that, ideas. It's forward thinking, a start, if you will.

    By all means, you have every right to throw out other ideas. In fact, Liberals, let's hear them. Nah, you'd rather throw out a new form of a Rain Tax instead. Why, because it's EASY.

    Don't shoot me just because I'm willing to try. Oh, by the way. If someone would like to partner on an indoor water park, I'M IN. Remember, these are the same people who said, you don't own property or live in Salisbury, so shut up. SO, I went out and bought a building. I have ALWAYS put my money where my mouth is.

    1. If you tell Hogan Joe, he will take your ideas to Western Maryland.

  6. I heard the battery would cost around $3,000 after rebates...???

  7. Another issue is the retention of jobs that are here now. We lost the old Harvard Manufacturing Co. recently and over 400 jobs are gone. Spice giant McCormick almost left the State because of the Rain Tax. Beretta left Maryland because of liberal gun laws. Now the environmentalists are trying to destroy the poultry industry. Local builders are saying it takes over a year to obtain the necessary permits to build a house in Salisbury, and it's not easy in the county either. Democrat liberal over regulations are killing businesses. A lawn service company has to get a permit to fertilize a lawn and it is limited to certain months of the year. Maryland has lost more businesses in the past 5 years than any other State in the Country. Perhaps Hogan can turn things around.

    1. Don't hold your breath hoping for Hogan. His focus stops at the bridge. As far as he is concerned, he helped the shore by dropping the bridge price to the normal toll amount.

  8. Culver is making changes to save money within the county's operations. I really respect his initiative and attempts to adapt and make progress. It can't be easy based on some of the attitudes and inability to change mentality of the county employees

  9. Joe said "Fly out there and ASK them what it would take for them to consider the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We NEED the jobs." Touche my friend, touche. How difficult would it be for local concerned citizens to promote our area if our elected officials fail us in doing so themselves. I see it kind of like the folks in the movie "Gung Ho" where they were losing they local auto assembly plant and they ended up sending their union guy (Micael Keaton) over to Japan to entice an automotive manufacturer to take over their plant. Of course that is oversimplified but there is some similarity here insofar as the "need" to have a business come into the area and put our people to work.

    What does "All American City" really mean if nothing more than a slogan for the mayor? When John Pick and Lore Chambers went out to the competition to sell Salisbury as an "All American City" and won, the hammer should have struck then. Now it has been half a decade and the slogan doesn't mean quite as much as it did back then.

  10. Keep your ideas coming Joe and maybe they will pick one.12:59,your a typical democrat,your people control this state and have run it into the ground.

  11. I'll give you an AMEN Joe and I really wish Culver and Ireton would get off their duffs and get something done in Salisbury and Wicomico County about jobs. Like you said, fly out there, find out what it would take for them to open a plant here - they should be on this like stink on poop. So tired of the petty crap. They need to do something real for a change that really matters to the citizens of the city and county.

  12. Joe, this is 1:11. I agree the local politicians should be the first contact but I also think Hogan would be receptive to ANY business person on the Shore who contacts him. I love your ideas. Considering how many empty buildings there are down there space would not be a problem.

  13. It is not just the job of the county executive to promote jobs in Wicomico County. The county council, the Mayors of the cities in the county, the city councils, and the Chamber of commerce. ALL should solict business and distribute information about the area. I think our chamber of commerce does absolutely NOTHING to promote this area. Unless you seek out business to come they will not contact you. It a matter of laziness and lack of focus on what needs to be done.

  14. In my opinion local officials should be trying to create jobs and bring more income in the area rather than just focus on where to make cuts.

  15. Well, who's going to drag Jim Matthias into this discussion? What does Annapolis' favorite son have to add here?

  16. The County Executive and the Council Members ALL stated in their platforms they need to create JOBS. Keep in mind, so did our Delegates, Senators, Congressmen and Governor. However, as my article stated, I want this to be about the Eastern Shore.

    WE have the ability to do these things on the Shore. The County owns waterfront property, BUILD UPSCALE RV PARKS along with cabins.

  17. The sad thing is that those elected officals have other private interests at hand and not the public interest at heart. Perdue, DP&L, Lorch, K&L among others all have their hand in the cookie jar and are probably behind closed doors keeping such adventagious ventures from coming here to be a benefit for us. The biggest issue is how easily suaded public officals are to do whats good for themselves and their friend and not whats good for the whole.

  18. The Ravens were considering Salisbury as a training camp years ago. For whatever reason it didn't pan out. It would be a short burst but at least Salisbury would get some traffic from the OC crowd. And for all the naysayers Salisbury was a contender; my source was the Ravens headcoach at the time.

  19. It's going to be a difficult road ahead , as you know $$$$ guides most of our thoughts and progress . The stock market has done a splendid job in the past few years. Those who have investments in that area or retirement plans will be very reluctant to change.
    Having said that , the younger people are very satisfied with this part of the Obama administration and the democrats. I don't think they can see beyond the propaganda in the democrat machine.
    I know and you know that the market dictates a major portion of our political processes. It's all about the dollar!!

  20. Joe,

    Though I agree whole heatedly in what you say in regards to economic development, there is a problem that can not be fixed... You all don't seem to understand why all of this is happening and happening all over the world just the same... It is not just about making money for the govt, it is not about making things work properly... In the end it is all about wealth and how to take it from the people and how to keep them poor and dumbed down...

    Wealth doesn't come from money which is computer generated 1s and 0s... Digital... Wealth comes from owning land and the govt wants it... The govt wants money but notice how they never lower or take away taxes or fees, it is always on the rise? Does oil cost more to pull out of the ground than in the 1800s? No in fact it is easier and more efficient and cheaper yet oil is on the rise... Now you will have others say supply and demand and that is hog wash, you might have others say well the other countries don't export or produce enough, that is hog wash becaue oil is traded in dollar's...

    There is a reason why nothing is backed by gold anymore and that is to make bubbles and to collapse then like they did in the housing bubble... It is in every industry... Every commodity...

    If you all would do research instead of "running your mouth" or calling someone a "consoriacy therorist" you might actually learn something... Our govt is trying to give our soveren nation away to an international body called the U.N. there is a reason for that... You don't have The military train all over the world like they are for nothing... You don't have currency that is not backed by gold for no reason... Why is it, all of you are getting more poor and the upper esholon peole keep this money? Why do you think they want your guns and ammo? There is a reason and no it is not for violence... There is a reason why police are running around like the military and beating on people an why you have protest always told to be unlawful why is that? There is a reason why everyone goes to Muslims or athuets but God loving people get the shaft now why is that? Why is it you all clowns cannot remember when Obama said he wanted and was going to make a national police force big and strong as the military and what do you know we have just that... Now why is that? Why is it people only care for themselves and not others?

    There are a million things going on at once and it is difficult to understand how big and the severity of it... What you need to know and understand is there are some sick bastards out here who run the show and they are winning...

    Mark my words here and on the record... There will be no elections this year.

    You can laugh and point fingers and call names, but what happens not if but when we are right? Remeber you don't to research or learn from history so what gives you the right to claim others are wrong????????

  21. This area couldn't come together to make 2 cents.

    WE spend so much in government in Wicomico County alone, A Wicomico, Salisbury, Delmar, Fruitland governments and police, all with different systems, different budgets, health benefits for all, retirement for all. I'm sure if they all combined we would save money period. This area is too narrow sighted to do it.

    Good Luck. I agree we COULD.

  22. 4:32, While a lot of what you say may be right, I am NOT one to call it quits.

    I have stated over and over again in both of my Posts, this needs to be handled on a LOCAL Eastern Shore level and let the rest of America learn from how we progress.

    ALL of what I have stated are very possible to do, you just have to have the vision and support.

    As for the people trying to state that I am suggesting our government be in control of all of the projects I've mentioned, that's just plain stupid. One, I never suggested or implied that and again, that is why your comments were rejected.

    We need the state and local government to give these interested businesses or business owners massive tax breaks to get it started.

    If you have followed this Blog long enough and have read about how Walt Disney got all of their theme parks started, no money was exchanged for a good 20 years before they started paying taxes. Now to some of you LIBERALS about to throw a fit over such an idea, look at Orlando now!!! It was a swamp before Disney started and no one was buying land there. Same goes for Orange County California.

    Well, there isn't didley going on in Wicomico County. In fact, it's in a reverse direction with businesses leaving or simply shutting down.

    You have a river running through Downtown Salisbury. Incredible things can happen there but only a select few people get the opportunity, (Feldman's sold for $5,000.00 and it's waterfront) to purchase land there.

    Now, Wicomico County is mainly dependent on the chicken industry. THINK, you and I both know that with the legislators in Annapolis and the Liberals placing more and more demands on that industry, soon enough they will be gone. Just look at the lack of permits for new chicken houses. The industry is now DEAD.

    Can you really sit there and say things are just fine in the county????

    Can you really say that with thousands of students graduating from college there are full time jobs out there to support them?

    Finally, once you get the indoor water park up and running, several other businesses will be dying to make investments like an upscale RV Park and hopefully a Six Flags.

    It's a start and that's more than I can say about ANY elected official past and present. Look, I'm retired. If nothing happens, so be it. However, I'd love to see someone, anyone, wake the hell up and start securing decent paying jobs instead of watching the likes of Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields only interested in affordable housing projects. Start acting like proud Americans and stop giving up. It can be done and guess what, it wasn't MY idea to tell all these politicians we needs JOBS! I'm just holding them accountable while showing you what could be done.

  23. This could be the capital of Maryland if we pull together , we could be competition with the OC beach and others . All we need are the drawing cards , you are right. Build it and they will come!!

  24. Mr albero
    I am not the best at computers but wanted to send you a note that I just read yesterday's paper and see we have a town meeting tonight in pittsville regarding the budget. With one day notice who do they think is goin to show up. I am sure they don't want anyone there to question the stolen money and why Mr Moore is still in charge of the town and cemetery as well why we the taxpayers now own and maintain the lions club building in which he was their money man too.

  25. Taxes are too high killing my business already DE keeps looking better

  26. Joe, It's decided for my family we are officially abandoning Maryland for Delaware after 50 yrs. I must admit I used to think I'd be a bit emotional once we decided, but at this point good riddance with a smile on my face to the taxes and future legislation that will no doubt lead to many people that will be trapped here! Maryland without the taxes generated by Perdue and Ocean City wouldn't even acknowledge the 'shore existed!

  27. "The County Executive and the Council Members ALL stated in their platforms they need to create JOBS."

    Add to this statement "in order to get elected" and you are correct. Unfortunately, the local counties don't control even the Tri County Council. It's just a dump hole for free money with no oversight. Ever wonder why their buses are so DIRTY? Easy, they moved to the new facility on Rt 50 where the offices are nicer but there is NOT a washing facility for buses like they had in the old. Nicer offices and nicer (free) emails trump maintenance on the fleet of buses they are responsible for with Shore Transit.

    Try hiring a bus washer.

  28. And most young people care nothing about retirement planning. Perhaps I can help. You may wish to call me. My firm is Fishmore & Dolittle.

  29. I would like to chime-in on this thread concerning Joe's vision for the Eastern Shore. As a contributing columnist for SBYnews I can tell you first hand that had Joe Albero been elected as Salisbury's Mayor - our County would already be exiting the Decade old Depression. His vision for a theme Water Park similar to 6 Flags, Busch Gardens, would have drawn-in millions of visitors. With the close proximity to the Beach - it was a sure fire winner for not only Salisbury, Wicomico - but also Worcester Co., Ocean City, Rehoboth Beach, Oceanview, Dewey, Georgetown among many other localities. We are talking MEGA-JOB CREATION.

    When I heard about Joe's idea - I can attest that he had already assimilated an economic team that would have helped to catapult the vision into action. Not since General George Patton took Palermo - hardly anyone would have stood to oppose him. We are talking about the possible construction of an existing railway spur whereby the right-of-way already exist from Salisbury all the way to Berlin - Public transportation use at its finest, whereby the costs of right-a-way were minimal. You see - the railway line use to exist all the way into Ocean City, MD right up until the Hurricane of 1962.

    One can only imagine the economic impact - had Joe been elected to office. And so the loss of the election was not Joe Albero's defeat - it truly was the loss for the entire Eastern Shore. A similar analogy was when the Phillips Seafood Co. - (Phillips Restaurant) - was turned down on their zoning application to construct a Phillips Restaurant at the corner of Phillip Morris Drive and Rt. 50. What a no-brainer!!! And yet - our elected officials sat back and watched as they moved-on. I know it is hard to believe - but I have watched it happen time and time again around here.

  30. If pigs could fly!

    What it would take for a significant business to locate here rather than somewhere else is good schools, roads, etc., all of which require higher taxes than now support our mediocrity. We love our lower than average taxes, so that ain't gonna change, and we will remain unattractive except for fast food joints and dollar stores. Then there's the general location relative to the rest of the region -- on a sparsely populated peninsula.

    PS - only an idiot would build a water park in Wicomico County rather than Worcester County or Sussex County.

    1. Lower taxes? What drugs are you on because I want some so I can see these lower taxes myself! Personally taxes are killing me and my business, I am ready to call it quits and work for someone else!!

  31. 1:41 if culver was really the man, he would have terminated those with the attitude you are referring to. Instead he has embraced the likes of Strausberg, Creamer and Morris and nothing is going to change. Bobby is a huge disappointment.

  32. Mr. Culver- what are YOU doing? You've been too quite as our Executive.

  33. I am not a business person and this may be a bad idea but I was wondering about the train from Snow Hill to Berlin that is being talked about.

    What if the train went all the way to Crisfield ? I thought of this when I was reading on the history of Marion Station. It used to be the Strawberry capital of the world and of course a railroad ran through there up until the 1950's.

    If we had an excursion train the ran from Crisfield to OC and a passenger ferry (Not cars just people) that came from the western shore of Maryland to OC I think it would be a boon for all towns in between. This would also help reduce traffic in OC and maybe even add extra businesses that rent Segways, Scooters, Cars ect make some extra cash. Hotels and Inns located in Berlin, Snow Hill could have special rates for those travelers.

    How many people in Western Maryland would park their car in a secure lot on the western shore. Take a Ferry to Crisfield and tour along the eastern shore's lovely towns with a final destination to the beach for a day or a weekend.

    Anyway just a thought.

  34. 1:30 - with the new septic requirements placing a huge mound in your property - nobody wants to build here any more. The mound doesn't do anything more than reduce the visual appeal / value and place more money in the septic system builder's pocket!


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