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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration

More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation.

In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its agents didn’t find out about an illegal immigrant’s death threats and court injunctions against him — which should have put him back in detention — until after the man was accused of murder.

That case, involving Apolinar Altamirano, is the latest instance of someone who went through the Obama administration’s deportation system and was released, only to go on to be charged with major crimes.



  1. This is Obama's Legacy-A Path of Death and Destruction. If the democrats and the Obama supporters had functioning brains they would be embarrassed. Obama's a no good lying POS and anyone that supports his is nothing but garbage, pure garbage. No decent person would ever ever support a liar.

  2. What a TRAITOR!!

  3. Who was that presidential candidate many many years ago who lost the election because ONE person he released killed someone.

    And why does this not matter now in this day and age.

  4. I think the candidate was Michael Dukakis, 3:17, and If I remember, the felon he released was named Willy Horton.

    Now, if I can just remember where I put my keys.. :-)

  5. 3:17 Answer: Michael Dukakis and the power of the communist media.

  6. So it's ok for him to release people who end up committing murder and at the same time take guns away from US Citizens? Something doesn't add up.

  7. Well, it's very apparent that Obama and Hillary both have blood on their hands for not doing their jobs. TRAITORS!


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