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Sunday, June 21, 2015

City Tells Veteran He Will be Arrested if He Continues to Use Solar Power and Collect Rainwater

The city of Huntsville, AL has told a couple who are living completely off their land that if they continue, they will be arrested for trespassing on their own land. You read that right, trespassing on their own land.

Military veteran Tyler Truitt, along with his girlfriend, has setup his home on two acres inside the Huntsville city limit. He uses a solar system to supply the property with power and collects rain water.

However, Huntsville is telling him that if he doesn’t get hooked up to city water and power, he could be arrested. According to local media coverage:

“They came and they condemned our house and told us if we stayed here we’d be arrested for trespassing on our own property, and the reason why is, they said, it was unsafe living conditions because we don’t have city utilities hooked up,” Truitt explained.



  1. This is what things are coming to and it is absolutely ridiculous. Leave them alone for pete sake - so they figured out how to conserve and the city/county can't stand it because they are getting none of their money.

    1. That's the point. We are all slaves to the government. The dollar controls all our lives. How can a government sustain itself with its citizens not giving them money? The power & utility companies who have paid dearly to the cities and towns have a monopoly on their services. If this happens the deal made for them to be the only providers is broken.

  2. 1:37 PM


    Just like cops doing bad things they do, all in the name of money...

  3. Where is his sewer hook-up. Incorporated town or area can make rules for occupancy of a dwelling. Don't like it vote for change.

  4. that is why i will never buy a home to many gov intrusion into your life ill rent and if i don't like whats going on i just move to some place else people that buy homes are slaves to there home keep it up to city code or go to jail keep your lawn to only 4" or go to jail don't paint you house the color you want or go to jail pay you property taxes to the city county state do you people really believe you own your property you never do you just rent it from the city county state

  5. "GO GREEN"!!!... unless it takes money away from the government

  6. I have voted for change and I sure damn did not vote for Obama, Ireton or the likes but most of these idiots out here who believe the crap voted for them that's why things are like they are.

  7. so hook up the utilities and don't use them. simple.

    1. There are still charges that are applied.

  8. Why is he living inside the city limits?

  9. When you live in city limits there are specific rules in many towns......it's not unusual and is pretty much the normal.....

  10. 231, look up Clivus Mortram (-um?)

  11. 7:26 AKA lined cesspool. AKA lined outhouse. Not allowed in city limits.

  12. Everyone is a vet. Blah blah blah. Your a fool to live in an city.

  13. If you decide to live anywhere you have to abide by their rules.

    Without running water they are dirty people. I do not want them going places and touching the same things that I have to touch spreading who knows what kind of germs on their bodies.

    Cities and towns typically have the most stringent rules so if you don't like their rules then don't live in municipalities.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that is why i will never buy a home to many gov intrusion into your life ill rent and if i don't like whats going on i just move to some place else people that buy homes are slaves to there home keep it up to city code or go to jail keep your lawn to only 4" or go to jail don't paint you house the color you want or go to jail pay you property taxes to the city county state do you people really believe you own your property you never do you just rent it from the city county state

    June 17, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    That's why you will never buy a home? I don't think that is the reason, I believe you won't buy one because you don't have enough since to save for a down payment and you don't have good enough credit. Any fool who doesn't buy his own home and rents in stead is wasting their money and making someone wealthy.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Everyone is a vet. Blah blah blah. Your a fool to live in an city.

    June 17, 2015 at 9:57 PM

    Right, just because you are a vet doesn't mean you are a sane person. Thank you for your service now obey our laws. If you don't like the laws then move to a place that allows you to break the laws?

    "Dang, I didn't mean to kill my wife, I just wanted to throat punch her. I am a vet and she has been nagging me all day. I should be able to punch her without someone telling me I can't do it."


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