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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Race Faker Dolezal Fired From University, She Even Lied About Being a ‘Professor’

It has now been revealed that the mentally ill Rachel Dolezal lied about something else on top of the dozen other things she lied about. You’ll recall that she’s been called a “professor” at Eastern Washington State university. Well, now the university admits that she was never a professor and that she has been fired from her job as instructor.

Dolezal has been going around calling herself a “professor” for sometime. Here is a snippet of what her bio looked like on the university website…

But as of this weekend, that bio no longer appears on the university’s site.

Despite the fact that her online bio hosted by the university called her a “quarterly professor,” it turns out the school never authorized her to call herself that because in fact she is just an “adjunct instructor” who was hired from quarter to quarter.

In essence she is just an assistant, not a full or even a partial professor. Breitbart has the story:



  1. Just another Mosby? How many will follow?

  2. She's not mentally ill. She's a liar plain and simple and that is why she was hired by the NAACP. The whole organization and anyone who belongs to it are liars. All they know how to do is lie and that is why the black race is in such a shambles. Any black with any brains and more importantly a shred of morals would do best to dismiss the NAACP for the disgrace to the human race that it and it's membership are.

  3. Like I said in a post earlier it will all come out. This is one sick child. Her book will be a best seller and a movie deal. That is how warped we are as a people. She should be in jail. I guess now she can not say it was because I am Black lol or could she. She and Jenner should date one another. Every time someone has an identity crisis they make head lines.

  4. She is so mentally ill that she should be in a hospital seeking help. One thing is for certain, and that is she can not be trusted or believed to tell the truth about anything.

  5. White trashy liar and the NAACP deserved what they got.

  6. Who started this "Mentally Ill" crap? She is a lire like Hillery Clinton, plan and simple! If she is mental, then so is Clinton, and she needs to be outed!

  7. We are being programmed to be outraged at this woman.Before a week ago none of us had ever heard of her.I refuse to be a programmable drone taking instructions from the media.The NAACP may be excited to hear that she has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.For going above and beyond to promote peace against all odds.

    1. I agree with you. She has proven being black opens doors. Now that she is white she was thrown out.

  8. She is a female version of hussien obama-a complete fraud. Everything about both of them is a lie.

  9. I think she is throwing all the bs in everyone face and making them eat it. NAACP fired her for being white. College fired her bc NAACP did so on and so on. She is building a great civil case and will have her day in court if she decides to.

  10. She proved being black comes with privileges. Can't argue with facts.

  11. She figured if a phony can get in the Whitehouse she could do or be anything she wanted as well.

  12. Look at the courses she taught. She's preaching RACISM and hatred. Useless liberal arts drivel that should not even be classified as education.
    She is NUTS. Disturbed, psychotic.

    1. But has more money and more successful then you?

  13. When she filed her lawsuit against a university that didn't give her a job, she said she was white and she had been overlooked in favor of blacks. She loves yelling about discrimination but doesn't care which side she's on.


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