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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Got Any Old Bay?


  1. Forced perspective.

  2. Radiation contamination.

  3. 10:12 His arms are tucked, genius. That's a BIG f-ing crab. His hands are even with his body, and you're acting like it's some 5.5" jimmy.

  4. I remember years ago when the Pocomoke City sewer system dumped directly into the river. If you wanted to catch big catfish you fished at the end of the sewer pipe. A few years later I lived in Pompano Beach, Florida. All the headboats fished at the end of the sewer outfall. Say what you want about pollution but if you want to catch fish you gotta go where the poop is. After all, what do crabs eat? Anything rotten and decomposing.

  5. If crabs were allow to mature, they would all get that big. Over harvesting makes them small. My uncle who is still waterman used to catch them this big back in the sixty's.

  6. That's a big 'Jimmy'. I've heard that Eastern Bay has crabs similar in size but have never fished/crabbed there.

  7. If you notice the very large gloves and baggy clothes , it's a six year old holding a big crab , but not as big as you think.

    1. I guess you missed the white chest hair.

  8. The crab is very close to the camera , been there ,done it with deer antlers.

  9. Calvert Cliffs Blue Crab

  10. I wish someone could preserve this crab at an aquarium for everyone to see what REAL Maryland crabs used to be like. Keep this crab alive as a history lesson to what was in the chesapeake bay.

  11. He's been eating crab Viagra.

  12. If you notice the very large gloves and baggy clothes , it's a six year old holding a big crab , but not as big as you think.

    June 17, 2015 at 11:52 AM

    If that's a 6 year old, I hope their parents have life insurance and a burial plot on hold. He'll be gone from skin cancer in a year. WTF? You must be slowwwwwwwww.

  13. we use to catch crabs this big in the Nanticoke back in the sixties

  14. Why kill such a wonderful specimen of life?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why kill such a wonderful specimen of life?
    June 17, 2015 at 7:33 PM

    To feed another wonderful specimen of life.

  16. Given the perspective of the crab and how it is being held I would say between 6 1/4" and 6 5/8" tip to tip.

  17. Crab came from a river in Easton it was really that big

  18. This must be one of the "colossals" they're selling in Crisfield for $95 a dozen.


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