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Sunday, June 21, 2015

WCSO Press Release 6-18-15 (Juror Intimidation)


Incident: Juror Intimidation

Date of Incident: 16 June 2015

Location: Wicomico County, MD

Suspect: Valerie Rovin, 51, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 18 June 2015 a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office arrested Valerie Rovin following a complaint that she intimidated a member of the Wicomico County jury pool.

On 16 June 2015, the daughter of Valerie Rovin, Lauren Bailey, was found guilty by a jury in the Wicomico County Circuit Court of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Driving While Suspended and she was sentenced to a period of incarceration. Valerie Rovin managed to locate the foreman of the jury that convicted her daughter at his place of employment that same evening and confronted him over the verdict. It was alleged that Rovin became verbally abusive towards the jury foreman and made him feel threatened. It was also alleged that Rovin told the jury foreman that people were going to “take care of him” which he believed was tantamount to a death threat.

Due to the actions reportedly undertaken by Rovin, a warrant for her arrest was obtained and upon being taken into custody she was transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico Detention Center where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner.

Charges: Intimidating a Juror
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson        Date:  18 June 2015


  1. This is serious. Juror intimidation must not ever be tolerated. The public needs to demand that this person get the maximum sentence available for this very serious crime. Make an example out of her-Big Time.

  2. Enjoy the new room, maybe you and your daughter can be cell mates!!!

  3. I would like to know how she "located" him at the place of employment.
    She must have followed him.
    Frightening for all jury members

    1. Or maybe since he's a business owner he is simply known. This isn't the big city
      Damn near everyone knows or has seen each other before.

  4. You just DON'T DO THAT.

    I hope she gets sent a STRONG message that all will hear!

  5. 4:08 I agree with you 100%

  6. I would have had her touch me in some way and then put her on her butt.

  7. Mom's at least as dangerous, no, more dangerous, than her drunk driving daughter. Mom threatens to undermine our legal system; daughter was prevented from killing people.

    1. So I guess the cops are as well? They completely undermine our legal system.

  8. Wonder why it didnt occur to her to do that crap before the trial.

    1. How would she know who's on the jury stupid?

  9. Her actions are beyond stupid.

    1. How do you no what happened? By this above paragraph really ?

  10. Give her long period of quality time with her daughter. People wonder why kids do what they do......

  11. Not a juror anymore. That's dead. People are going to take care of you. That's a contingent statement. She disent say im goimg to.That's dead. And verbally abusive? Come on. He's been called worse by better.

  12. Lady needs to get that rosecea treated.

    1. Wow let's pick on her physical appearance now. You should be ashamed.

    2. You should be ashamed for being an idiot. She needs to get treatment for her condition or it will get worst. I didn't say anything bad about her physical appearance.

    3. So you picked on her appearance lied about it then called me a name. Wow you are a bad person.

    4. You did not have good intentions with that statement and proved it by calling the person a idiot. Shameful

  13. I feel sorry for her. She was upset... Baltimore was allowed to burn down this seems minor.

  14. No darn wonder that her daughter is going to jail. What an example she has been!!!

    1. That's harsh. Only daughter I would be upset also.

  15. I think Wicomico County has taken this way too far! Of course she is upset and shouldn't have done this. But, she doesn't deserve jail time! Come on now.... If you look through the cases of Wicomico County and DUI's there are many, many numerous people that have had 4 to 5 DUI's and NEVER spent a night in jail!

    You can go right downtown and pull cases...They are for public view. It keeps the judges honest!!!

    I think there is more to the story..... She probably pissed off the "good ole boy" system downtown where they are CERTAINLY CORRUPTION!

    1. You are a feeakin' moron..of course she deserves jail time. She threatened a juror. It takes a special kind of stupid to arrive at your conclusion.

    2. And that's the difference in a paid lawyer and a public pretender.

    3. 850 why the name calling? Person has a different opinion then yours. No reason to name call. You sound like al sharpton!

    4. 8:50
      If you moron could comprehend English you would see that the person said the daughter dosent deserve jail time. Go reread it. Now do it again. One more time. Got it? Whos the moron? Say it. One more time...

    5. 919 mr al sharpton please stop the name calling we no you hate white people.

  16. I disagree 8:00 and think she does deserve jail time. If she is not made an example of, this has the potential to undermine the judicial system. A juror-past or presently, should never be approached by a defendant or a defendant's family member or friend in a threatening or angry manner ever.

    1. So Baltimore can burn but this women needs jail time?

    2. But ok for mayor of Baltimore and state attorney to do this. ?


  17. One of the major problems in Charm City and its sister thug-infested cities is intimidation of witnesses and potential jurors. Without a witness to testify, even if they were the victim, the perps walk. Very tough cycle to break. So stamping out attempts of this sort merits a very strong response.

    1. And a corrupt mayor and states attorney

  18. True 7:03! He isn't a juror anymore! Freedim.of speech. There's your "public pretender" 9:11!

    1. How many jurors are on TV right after a big trial? How many have been threatened? Alot! Nothing has ever been done because they are no longer jurors.

  19. This undermines our judicial system. Jurors will think twice before deciding a case of there is a fear of retribution. Enjoy jail with your daughter.

    1. Total bs. Just not buying into it. Women crying making stupid threats is just that... Al sharpton starts riots and is allowed at the White House. What is fair? Certain propel can break the law?

    2. So ridiculous.

  20. There is more to this story.... this juror has the same last name... he knew them... he should have never been on the jury.... as the jury foreman he convinced all the others to change there verdicts from not guilty to guilty. The police conveniently lost the dash cam tape and the tape in the police department of her daughter so it could not be used as evidence in court, because it was in her daughter's favor. The police officers laughed throughout the trial like it was a big joke to them. The juror the mother allegedly intimidated is a third degree black belt... He states she said this - ... She is a mother worried for her daughter's safety in jail... she let her worry, concern and the unfairness of the trial get to her at that moment...

  21. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And that's the difference in a paid lawyer and a public pretender.

    June 18, 2015 at 9:11 PM"

    Hardly. Most eastern shore lawyers are mediocre at best. Any single one of the public defenders has most likely tried more cases than all the lawyers put together. This is certainly true for murder trials.
    It would benefit you to go and sit in the various courtrooms before making such an outlandish statement.

  22. "Anonymous said...

    True 7:03! He isn't a juror anymore! Freedim.of speech. There's your "public pretender" 9:11!

    June 18, 2015 at 9:52 PM"

    Don't be so silly. Once you are a juror on a particular case you are always a juror from that case.
    And FYI Einstein, While not even relevant, Freedom of Speech does have limitations. Threatening someone is an example.
    Anyway I've about had enough. This white trash loser is a stalker and had no business what so ever confronting the juror-ever. She's a piss poor example of a "mother" and it's no damn wonder her daughter is a loser herself. Both should go to jail.
    The mother would best be served by not drinking. The red face is a dead giveaway that she's a drunk herself.

    1. Freedom of speech to call someone names? Anonymously really ?!

  23. To 9:20, always making excuses when someone breaks the law. The young woman in question was on probation from Worcester County for DWI. Look it up in case search. She got probation on October 9. Then, on October 23, she's picked up for DUI and numerous other traffic violations. But, hey, I guess it's all a conspiracy. And I guess it's OK for her mom to verbally attack the jury foreman who was just doing his job.

  24. She is not a drunk!!! She has rosacea and is truly embrassed by it!!! Don't speak about things you do not know.

  25. 7:49 and 11:15 are spot on...a) if this was a black family, a lot of you regulars on here would be calling for their heads, and b) this woman's daughter was a menace with multiple DWI/DUI issues (hence why she was suspended)

  26. No one is trying to excuse ANY BEHAVIOR but jury trials are supposed to be FAIR and ALL EVIDENCE should be SEEN AND HEARD you DONT know the whole story only part of it sooo think an say what you want... and she WASNT trying to intimidate the juror she knew him .... she was just frustrated.... with the whole process ... I am not saying she is right to tell him her opinion of the whole thing...... it was definitely unfortunately not the correct forum to do so.... I AM SURE SHE REALIZES THAT - A LITTLE TOO LATE!!!! Best not to act off of emotion.... :) Don't talk about her daughter you don't know her... yes she was in trouble -- she is very smart, talented college graduate.. I am sure she has above and beyond learned her lessons about drinking...

    1. I agree she is just being a mom. Hopefully thing will work out for the family and can put all of this behind them...

  27. If she was black they would burn down the city. That has been proven. She is white so she punished harder... Who cares your white.

  28. Oh so Rovin was frustrated and worried about her daughter having to go to jail. Too bad! What about the people the daughter put in danger because she decided to drive drunk. That's all that matters.
    Both the mother and daughter deserve the maximum jail time and the public humiliation they are now experiencing.
    There are no 2 sides to this story. The daughter should not have been driving-period end of story and the mother should never have confronted the jury member period end of story.
    They grew their plight now they have to choice but to suck it up and on that note I'll end with maybe next time they decided to continue on with their low class white trash behavior they will think twice.

    1. No accident involved. Forks didn't make you fat. You did.

  29. At the end of the day, I am sure she was frustrated. Does that mean she has the right to show up at his place of employment, regardless of what was said or not said. If you think this is no big deal, I say put yourself in the juror's shoes. I agree that it seems to be up and down on punishments for DUI's, but here is the catch, you got a DUI. Whose fault is that? When you drink and get behind the wheel, you know there is a chance you will end up in jail. It doesn't matter how everyone was treated with their DUI cases, hers is separate. Bottom line is if you don't want to go to jail, don't break the freaking law.

  30. @1:10 I am sure you are friends with the girl who go the DUI, taking up for the family is understandable. But they are in the wrong here and both were arrested. If they didn't break the law they wouldn't have been arrested, regardless of the circumstances that we "may not know about." Hopefully she can pull her life back together and put some use to that "college degree."

  31. She can be the martha stewart of wicomico county.

  32. I don't think it's ever OK to pile on, humiliate, and bully people, particularly at an obvious low point in their lives. People who comment on this site like to throw stones. It's sad.

  33. 9:20 am. I agree. There's corruption in Wicomico County. All mothers should tell their stories!!!!!!

    Corruption from the top to the bottom in Wicomico County!!

  34. Earlier in this blog, someone commented on people who have received 4 and 5 DUI's and NEVER spent one night in jail!! This is so very true!!! I don't understand how this young woman got so much time OR any jail time!

    We need to start asking questions at Wicomico County Court why it doesn't seem fair. How does one person get extreme conviction and the next get a slap on the wrist for committing the same crime.

    I think something smells with this one! Doesn't seem fair!!

  35. It does happen that people are actually innocent but was convicted!! My daughter's ex-boyfriend, used a certain police department to track and her attempt to charge, charge, charge her. He was abusive to her and when she didn't want anything to do with him, he used his friends at a Police Department to harass her. And guess what, it worked!!! The entire county fell for it, meaning our judicial system! They too lost the video, dash cam etc. Amazing how police departments do this when it is NOT in their favor!!

    When these dash cams are lost, the judge should automatically throw the charges out!! So damn funny how police departments can mysteriously loose the footage at their convenience!!!

    So very true, so folks...trust me ....if it happens to me, then it can happen to anyone!

    1. Blah blah. He was guilty none of the harassment happened. You must wear tin foil on you head.

  36. Then if the foreman should have never been there.. There is grounds for appeal.....go that route not intimidating the juror.....white trash move

  37. Don't Worry Be HappyJune 21, 2015 at 4:13 PM

    GEEEEZZZZ, all this concern about a Juror and threats...

    No worries...

    The United States Constitution will be rid of VIA Executive Order either by Obama or Hillary soon...

    Than we do not need Courts anymore...YEAH!!!

  38. Makes us feel real safe here in Wicomico County imagine how you would feel testifying in a trial next month where one of the defendants has already tried from behind bars to have 4 witnesses murdered! I wish all we had to do was worry about someone following us home!

  39. There was no tape from the police vehicle. They had no dash cam the foreman didn't change any jurors mind. She was driving suspended. They knew nothing of her first Dui arrest. The mother blurted out in court. If you or Your family got Hit by her and hurt would you give her another chance? Would you say it's ok honey we understand it was only a beer and 1/2. Truly
    Think about the situation in your shoes.. People
    A grip....

    1. No dash cam. No guilty simple.

  40. This does not make sense,beginning with the incarceration.I'd be pissed too if I were her.Not so pissed that I would threaten a juror,but pissed because I was the sacrificial lamb.

  41. I agree. This will hopefully nol pros and she can move on. It's so stupid. Meanwhile mayor in balitmore helping looters.

  42. Is the juror foreman related and or friends with the defendant and her mother? If it can be established that they knew each other he should have informed the court and not seven as a juror. Someone please investigate, juror needs to be open and honest when asked in open court if the know any of the parties during the jury selection process. If this jury forenan lied he needs to be charge with perjury and a new trial ordered. The court needs to subpoena his Facebook and telephone record to get the other ideas of the story.

  43. Yes, it needs to be investigation 3:57 a.m. But, the problem is that her daughter is incarcerated with evil, child abusers, drug dealers, murderers, horrific violent people.

    It is a fact that MANY MANY Men in Wicomico County has received 4 or 5 DUI's and never spent 1 night in jail!!! Yet, young white, blonde girl is sentenced there! For 20 horrific long days and nights. Something stinks about this case.

    There should be a blog "on this blog" "Eyes on Wicomico County Judicial System".

  44. I just can't get over the fact that people want to give both of them a pass. I would assume it is probably people who know her and her daughter. I am a white guy and I believe if this Mother/Daughter combo were not white then they wouldn't have the support that they do on here.

  45. You weren't there. You Didn't hear the case. Some
    Of You Are preaching innocent. Really. So are
    You The ones who sit at home And collect Checks?
    Guilty is What the jury said. I wouldn't have even gone jury to start With. That's why this country is great.

  46. Ms. Rovin was frustrated by the system. The police officers straight out lied in court, the video of the police station and dash cam were supposedly lost, the defendant Bailey was not allowed to present her evidence. Many jurors found her not guilty and the foreman changed their mind. Was it okay for Rovin to go give the juror a piece of her mind at his work place NO - she did not stalk him she knew him.. I seriously doubt this macho third degree black belt is afraid of her ... but its the point .. she should not have gone there period. Her daughter should never had to go to jail for 20 days - she never would have asked for a jury trial if she was guilty of THIS charge -- She already had dealt with her prior charges...and I agree NO ONE SHOULD EVER DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD.

  47. I don't know the circumstances of her daughter's arrest, but if she was under the influence then she deserved to be arrested. I also see that her daughter's license was suspended when she was arrested. I don't really care what her excuses is for driving drunk, because there are no good ones. Ms. Rovin decided to let her frustrations get the best of her and went to a jurors place of work to confront him. That is a crime. So she deserves what she is getting now. Not too sure how you can defend her. If her daughter is innocent then there are other methods to take then showing up a jurors place of work.

  48. And "prior charges" is never a good thing if you are currently being charged with a crime. Usually means you are a criminal...

  49. what methods are there? please tell us! Appeal the case, by the time that slow process is done she would have already done her sentence when in fact she was innocent. Law officers lie all the time. It is well known!!!!!!! Point being, if they lose the evidence, as they ALSO did in my child's case, (or so they say....hint to all the readers.... Police officers only lose the tape when what the video reveals facts that is not in the police officers favor!!!

    How can they continue to lose tapes, videos????? Hint to the judges.....They lose them on purpse!! Every citizen has a right to a fair trial!! The judges are supposed to make sure of that!!!

  50. Yep @7:00 PM you are right, this is the only way to get anything done. It went very well for both of them, huh? In my opinion it doesn't matter if they lost the tapes or blah blah blah whatever else you want to wine about. The fact is she drove drunk and a possible outcome of driving drunk is to get arrested and spend time in jail. We keep giving the daughter a pass for that for some reason? Am I missing something? I haven't once seen anyone say she was not drinking and driving. So in reality she has only herself to blame.

  51. You don't know that for a fact! Facts would have been on the tape and video, but they so called "lost" ...so they say!! If police were so organized and by the book....Please tell the rest of this audience how they lost a tape?

    And why do they conveniently lose a tape? Secondly, you can pull thousand of cases at Wicomico County Courts and people have been arrested for over 4 dui's and never spent 1 night in jail. Yet, this young woman spending 20 days in jail. Is there prejudice in the court? Our judicial system is suppose to secure communities with fair trials. In a small town, the strictest of rules should be followed. Yet facts show in small towns and counties, there is an increase in unfairness.

    It certainly pleads and screams that we continue to assure the public to fair trials in Wicomico County and NOT support the Good Ole Boy System...where judges has already heard about the case prior to in the court room.

  52. I have had the "pleasure" of living next to mom and daughter a long time ago. Pieces of trash, both of them. Daughter drove drunk...twice and got caught. She is where she belongs to be. And mom, I hope they throw the book at you. You had no right to go to the foreman's place of employment. Stupid on your part and you are reaping what you sow. Stupid is as stupid does.

    1. Agreed! She has been pulling stunts like this for years, finally caught up with her.

  53. Its whine not wine...

  54. Please @ 3:46 my most sincere apologies as I am typing from a phone. Thank you for correcting my misspelling on a blog comment, I will definitely receive an A+ now......

  55. There is always two sides to a story, but for those who blame this on the county, judge, and pretty much everyone else besides the people who actually committed the crimes, you aren't doing them any favors. As you can see, driving drunk and threatening jurors is generally frowned upon.

  56. I am glad that she finally got caught! What goes around comes around she truly is a complete psychopath. You think Mrs Rovin is a first time offender of stirring up this kind of trouble? This is just the tip of the iceberg.


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