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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Big Brother Watching Your Every Move As You Come To Ocean City


  1. Its all for the children.

  2. 589? That's the County Sheriff not OCPD.

  3. I leave my kids at relatives and family friends houses on a regular basis. I don't have a big brother but I would have no problem allowing him to watch my kids if I did.

  4. We need to fight this. This is just to much. It's not a speed cam. It is taking our pictures. Storing our faces and running facial recognition soft ware. Soft ware that is not 100% but could lead to an innocent person or family raided arrested and possibly hurt or injured. Because they are looking for criminals! Why not just start door knocking like the census bureau and photographing/ interviewing us all? The Nazis did it.

  5. We like it. No problem to be watched if we're doing nothing wrong.

    1. That's like saying you have no problem losing your first amendment rights cause your not gonna talk. You and many others are the problem and reason these things are happening. Say the camera says they hit on a fugitive. It's really you but looks similar. The cops come raid your condo cause they know exactly where your at by all the other cameras following. Your shit dead because you jump up. Bullet passes through you into your child. Or a flash bang blinds and deafens your small child. It's ok. Your not the guy they thought you were. You'll just have to burry someone or spend countless hours in the hospital etc.... How about this happens and instead of you or your family hurt , its your neighbors ? All because they thought they found a criminal. Own a gun?/waitbtill they think your traveling with one and pull you over on a day like today and place you and your family on the side of the road while they treat you like criminals . all because a tag reader hits on your plate and says you have certain weapons. But its ok. You'll walk free an hour or so later. You did nothing wrong.

    2. Who is we? Did you go to the barn and poll the sheeple? I don't like it one bit.

  6. Really...you dont know what kind of freak is sitting somewhere reviewing the images. I have a serious problem with some stranger watching my kids.

  7. It's the same in the median strip by Leonards Pond.

  8. We are the law biding folks. Nothing to hide and not concerned about mis-identity. We would rather take our chances with the camera than with druggies, thugs and dopers.

    1. One day you will be effected. If not then it won't be long after your death your kids or grandkids will be. If you don't stop this now then its future generations that will pay the price. Look at your kids. Your life. Your legacy. If there was a chance they could be hurt by this then why wouldn't you want to stop this now? Or do you really only care about yourself?

  9. Great, I'll start going there again.

  10. I live my life now assuming that I am being recorded somehow from the time I leave my home. And that is probably not too far from the truth.

  11. exactly what do you think they are watching as you zoom past at 60 mph???????????????????????????

    1. A millisecond is all that computer needs to capture a facial picture. Times have changed
      It ain't no 35 mm pop pop.

  12. I'm with you 1:52...I like the extra checking on the area. I haven't broken the law.

    1. Wow. You spoke for yourself. Nice. Now that's two of you who don't mind. Any others? ?????????
      Can't wait till some perv focuses in on your old lady while she undresses. Or your teen age daughter.

  13. Maybe they are trying to figure out which dumb ass approved 4 lights in a half mile. Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. There's also an EZ-Pass detector in there - it now know who owns the vehicle and based on the spacing, how fast the driver is going between the points!

    1. Ez pass? How is it legal to run my ez pass info not near a toll?

  15. It is what it is. We have already lost our 1st and 2nd amendment rights, among others. Get used to it. This is what "we" have done to ourselves.

  16. All the cameras in the world didn't stop the 16 y/o from Hagerstown from commuting an armed robbery on 27ththe St. Wake up.

    1. Oh .... But the cops protect us! Again they show up after and do what? look at cameras after a crime. Technology has made the laziest of people. Cops included. What's next ? Someone watching a camera thinks you tossed trash out your window and you get a ticket?

    2. I bet you sleep with the lights on. Troll!

  17. Listen to Rand Paul he is the only one speaking the truth about surveillance.

  18. To anyone saying they havent broken the law and are fine with this..There are so many laws the average person breaks some kind of law at least once a day.

  19. Maryland has been actively installing EZ-Pass readers to track cards far from toll boths. Your best bet if you use EZ-PASS is to put it in the bag it came with when not in use so you cannot be tracked. Those mobile camera units have EZ-Pass readers on them.

  20. Obviously some commenters don't know history.Allowing government to do what it wants and all freedom will be gone.

  21. Ummm, isn't that a web camera to let you know what the traffic conditions are.

  22. wont be long there will be a checkpoint on every corner to make sure we are acting right

  23. There is no privacy. These cameras, ez pass, and LPR's (license plate readers) watch and track your every move. Swipe your card and they know everything you just purchased. Send an e-mail, text message, or twitter message.....they have it. Cell phone conversations? Monitored for the use of certain words by computer programs. Best choice? Use cash. Don't use ez pass. walk or ride a bicycle when you can. Don't use cell phones unless necessary. But we all become dependent upon these modern luxuries until they become necessities. Then we can't funtion day to day without them.

    1. Now they're lowering tolls for those who use ez pass. This will encourage people to install the tracking devices voluntarily. Wow

  24. U r just being paranoid


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