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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Cops Go on Wild Rampage in Cannabis Raid, Destroy Property and Joke About Kicking Disabled Woman

SANTA ANA — Disturbing raw video footage has emerged showing a motley crue of police officers raiding a peaceful cannabis dispensary with guns pointed at the medical patients.

The cops break through the front door as if they’re in a war zone.

They make their way to the display counter, and startle several unsuspecting patients.

You can hear the cops screaming at the patients to get down on the ground, treating them as if they’ve done something egregiously wrong just for being there.

Perhaps the most horrific part of the video is when a disabled woman in a wheelchair tries to roll to safety.



  1. I hate pigs more n more every day! Kick her in her nub? I hope that female cop gets shot in the face! Then they're eating the edibles. Doper cops! This was more than likely a raid to fatten pockets of these criminal cops!

  2. I wonder what their reasoning was for cutting the cables on all the cameras? I also want to know how they justified eating the edibles and getting away with that! I hope they drug test that officer then fire him!

  3. Boooo Hooo libtards cry me a river

  4. I like how they're laughing. We'll see who gets the last laugh when the people get totally fed up!!

  5. Anonymous said...
    I like how they're laughing. We'll see who gets the last laugh when the people get totally fed up!!

    June 13, 2015 at 12:06 PM

    Like in Dallas and now in Virginia?

    1. Whoa..... Nailed it. To many sheeple who will bow down. It's over. Let's just get this war started already.

  6. These are local cops in the area of this Establishment. Where it is legal for these shops to operate. This is a bully move. I bet taxes were late.

  7. Above the law. A badge now gives you the right to steal, assault and even murder. Do you remember all the outrage at the "stop snitchin'" campaign back in the 90s? Do you get it now?

  8. What sucks is that the police are nessisary, but are currently a nessisary evil. There are plenty of good cops, like my brother in-law. Cops are banding together though and will not critical of their own. I don't find this surprising though because for police, the guy you blow the whistle on in the morning could be the same guy who has to make a choice to risk his life to save yours. However police officers need to take a stand against the job they are being asked to do, or you will all be lumped in with the kicking cu#% in the above video. These cops should be charged and receive the maximum penalty, because after all, every time they have taken a citizen to court on the same charge it is what they recommended the court do.

    1. Cops risk their lives to save others? How? Directing traffic for the firefighters? Get over yourself . Wipe your chin. Got some of your brother- in-law on it.

  9. Whats going on in virginia

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These are local cops in the area of this Establishment. Where it is legal for these shops to operate. This is a bully move. I bet taxes were late.

    June 13, 2015 at 1:43 PM

    Actually, this shop did not have a license to operate and had filed suit about it, afterwhich a judge ordered no shops to operate.

  11. Hey 11:39I'm a conservative independent and I still think this kind of treatment is unwarranted for some marijuana

  12. Like in Dallas and now in Virginia?

    June 13, 2015 at 1:32 PM

    And now I have to add the Port Richmond section of Phila. Still laughing?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Boooo Hooo libtards cry me a river

    June 13, 2015 at 11:39 AM

    How deep you want it moron?

  14. They were executing a court order. The owners chose not pay taxes or get a license. Oh well I pay both and have no problems with the cops. A little heavy handed we do not know what was said or done prior to this. As for the cop that ate some he will be fired I am sure. Legalize the crap on all levels. Just another gateway drug so your kid ends up on heroin. It is not the great drug you all claim it to be. Most addicts started with weed and alcohol.

    1. No problem with that is fine. I pay taxes. I understand being shut down. But by a task force with guns drawn? Handicapped people hit and almost kicked in a nub? Cops eating the weed? Destroying the property? I remember the same happening for the Mafia. Hit men shutting joints down and destroying property along with violence to collect extortion money. Again.... Cops are government thugs.

  15. Hell the law is the law I want to go out and shoot criminals and thugs. There should be a point system for it. Just because YOU want to smoke weed it is still under control of state and federal law. Go smoke some weed and waste a day talking about the rules of the land.

    1. The rules of the land..... How ironic. Just whos rules? So many rules for so many lands. That's just in one county.

  16. The biggest problem with all of this 'out-of-control' cop BS is that there are powerful people, people in control who not only want it to happen but who want it to continue to happen. So it will, and neither you nor I are going to be able to do anything about stopping it peacefully.

  17. As for the cop that ate some he will be fired I am sure. Legalize the crap on all levels. Just another gateway drug so your kid ends up on heroin. It is not the great drug you all claim it to be. Most addicts started with weed and alcohol.

    June 13, 2015 at 4:26 PM

    It was more than one cop. Pot is no gateway anything. ur still living in the 60's.

  18. Is alcohol a gateway to pot? Then pot takes you to heroin? This person needs to do some research before verbalizing what a complete idiot they are!!

  19. They hid their faces like bitches. That should be illegal . you should be able to identify an officer by face in court. And that moto dick walking with his helmet on. Lol. And did you see them try to bust in the double doors that were open and only had to pull! Idiot cops. Try before you pry! This is coming to all you lil mom n pop stores. Not just dispensaries. And your houses as well! Don't pay your taxes or have the right permit. Keep laughing and cheering sheeple.

  20. Maybe they hide there faces because they are under cover police officers who have done buys of illegal drugs from that establishment and do not need there faces seen until court.

    1. If the individual isn't scared to stand and dosent take a plea! And why wait till court? At the time of raids the uc work is done. The arrest is being made. No need to hide anymore. And if a bunch of cops come in looking the same with faces covered ,how can a person identify which cop violated rights or hurt or killed someone wrongfully? Should every officer be charged? It's how you handle a roberry . One killer , but three guys robbed someone so they're all murderers.

  21. Jeez, guys, you coulda just knocked.

  22. This raid was also for child porn.

    1. What story you read and watch?

  23. This is like an illegal drug store , all these people who want medical weed should be in jail. The cops should have blown the place up.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is like an illegal drug store , all these people who want medical weed should be in jail. The cops should have blown the place up.

    June 14, 2015 at 4:02 PM

    I hope you lite the fuse and it is a short one.

  25. And the stupid cops wonder why they are being targeted for assassination? We have some just like that right here in Wicomico co.

  26. If you need weed in your life maybe your life needs fixing. Get over it. The law is the law.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you need weed in your life maybe your life needs fixing. Get over it. The law is the law.

    June 14, 2015 at 9:06 PM

    lol trouble is I bet you believe that crap


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