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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Playing The Race Card In Court

The left is determined to stop election integrity efforts

There’s more racism afoot in the land, and it fits the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.

Did you know that minorities need more than a full month in which to cast a vote? And they can’t be expected to show a photo ID like other voters. That would be asking too much of them.

Who, you might ask, is perpetrating this libel about the missing adulthood of America’s minorities? Why, the very people who claim to speak for them on all matters. The same ones who created redistributive welfare policies that destroyed inner-city families.

The latest ploy that makes some citizens out to be imbeciles in need of a master is a legal attack on several election reform laws enacted in 2014.

In Ohio, leftist groups have filed a lawsuit demanding that state officials restore more than a full month of voting before Election Day, plus other measures intended to eliminate the slightest inconvenience at having to register or to vote.

They claim the new rules violate the First, 14th and 15th amendments and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, plus the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“This is the Left’s new legal strategy to go after election reforms aimed at discouraging vote fraud,” said J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department Voting Section attorney and current policy board member of the American Civil Rights Union. Mr. Adams, who has successfully sued counties in Mississippi and Texas to clean up their voter rolls, added, “If they succeed in Ohio, they’ll roll this out all over the country.”

Read more here


  1. almost all politicians must be crooked almost all are doctors and lawyers, so they are fairly educated BUT the can't take time to read the constitution, where it states you must be a U.S. citizen to vote in any elections that concerns the country that means illegals[NON-CITIZENS] can only vote in local elections they should read the fine print instead of just trying to line their pockets

  2. Let me get this straight.

    You don't work. You sit around all day, when you're not hanging out on the sidewalk or marching and hooting and screeching for some pathetic, outrageousy false "cause".

    And you don't have time to get a valid picture ID, nor to vote on a particular day.

  3. The only imbeciles here are the ones letting the NAACP and the like bowl them over to allow this crap!

    Election day is election day, period. If you can't make a deadline, you don't get a vote.

    It has always been thus!


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