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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

DISGRACEFUL: Teacher allows high school students watch ’50 shades’ in class

Looking for a perfect movie to show to students as a reward? Well then, what better movie than one with no real plot, that revolves around domestic violence, rape, and degradation of women, and is based off of books that are nothing more than badly written mommy porn? That was apparently the mindset of one teacher, who allowed high school students to watch ’50 Shades of Grey’ in class.

Part of the erotic movie “Fifty Shades of Grey” was shown in a West Virginia high school classroom this week after students convinced their teacher to let them watch it as a reward for good work.

The Charleston Daily Mail reports that the teacher apparently didn’t know what the film was about.

“Fortunately, an assistant principal walked by and saw what they were doing,”Hampshire High principal Jeff Woofter told the paper. “They got there 10 minutes after it started and shut it down.”

Hampshire County school policy prohibits students from watching movies of any kind in the classroom.

It is unclear if the students or teacher will face disciplinary action.

“I will say it was an extreme lack of judgement from an otherwise very capable teacher,” Woofter told The Charleston Daily Mail. “The teacher didn’t do a background check on the movie or even ask about it.”



  1. That "capable" teacher needs to get a clue about the world outside the classroom. Must live under a rock.

  2. Today's gots to go type of situation

  3. The 50 shade movie is tamer than what goes on at most teen parties. The average teen has had 7 sexual partners by 12 grade, and started having sex at 13. We no longer have innocent little kids.

  4. WHERE do they get these teachers from? Hopefully not SU.


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