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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hillary Clinton to visit one of first gay couples to marry in Iowa

MASON CITY, Iowa – On her second trip to this key presidential state Monday, Hillary Clinton will meet with local Democratic activists at the home of one of the first gay couples to marry in the state, according to a campaign aide.

Dean Genth and Gary Swenson are longtime activists who got married in 2009 on the first day same-sex unions became legal in the state. Both supported Barack Obama over Clinton during the 2008 caucus, but are now backing the former secretary of state.

They’ll be joined by other local Democratic activists as part of Clinton’s effort to show she’s heavily invested in grassroots organizing in the key presidential state, which gave her an embarrassing third-place finish during her first presidential run.



  1. Hillary is going with Rosie, very sweet!

  2. Later it is dinner at Ellen Degenerate house, and coffee with the Mayor of Slimsbury.

  3. Don't forget Dragalicious Drag Show night at the Warehouse with Jimmy. Sure she would fit right in.

  4. Pandering. At every chance and opportunity.
    And the people she is pandering to actually think she gives a rats ace about their "cause". LOL.
    Her and Monica's ex probably sit around at night and laugh at all the weirdo's, whack jobs, and utterly strange people they have to touch and mingle with....

  5. So, she gains PART of the .8000% of the popular vote.


  6. She will do or say anything to gain support from anyone. That's the way liberals work these days.


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