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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Maryland governor signs police accountability laws

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan signed legislation Tuesday aimed at increasing police accountability during a ceremony that had been delayed because of Baltimore riots after the death of a man injured while in police custody.

State legislators passed the measures this session in response to the police killing of a man in Missouri last year. Now, with six Baltimore officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, advocates are pushing for further action.

One of the measures requires a commission to develop a policy for police use of body cameras by Jan. 1. Billy Murphy, an attorney who represents Gray’s family, said the bill was a step in the right direction but more must be done.

“Ferguson was viewed as a distant problem someplace else until Freddie Gray,” Murphy said after attending the bill-signing ceremony. “Now, it’s in our own backyard, and we’ve got to deal with it.”



  1. No more cops clearing cops! Make them answer to their true bosses. The public! Just like being called for jury trial!

  2. Cops don't clear cops... Did you not see the rookie states attorney handle this and back herself in to a corner that she isn't likely to get out of without looking foolish.

  3. 1:38...they don't "clear" them, but on the other hand, they never indict one either.
    When a cop witnesses another cop committing a crime, do they arrest them?
    We'll wait for another one of your disingenuous replies, because that's what your first one was.....

  4. Cops are not involved in the indictment process, State's Attorneys are. Man you are clueless, any more wrong assumptions you need cleared up?

  5. 505 your a joke. I know first hand officers who have arrested other cops more than once. Happened right in Fruitland smart guy! Try again 505. My apologies for my disingenuous comment...

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    505 your a joke. I know first hand officers who have arrested other cops more than once. Happened right in Fruitland smart guy! Try again 505. My apologies for my disingenuous comment...

    May 13, 2015 at 10:12 PM

    Yeah, that really cleaned them up didn't it?


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