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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The fake meat industry is exploding

Sales of meatless and vegetarian products are soaring, although only 7% of U.S. consumers call themselves vegetarian.

The hunger for fake meat — or meatless meat — is getting bigger. So much so that the latest sales numbers of plant-based meat alternatives reached $553 million in 2012,representing a growth spurt of 8 percent from 2010. “We are doubling the business annually,” said Ethan Brown, CEO of Beyond Meat, which makes non-animal food products like the Beast Burger and has an active group of investors that includes Bill Gates and former Twitter execs Biz Stone and Evan Williams.

“We’re growing like a weed and expect to keep growing,” said Martha Pincoffs, founder of Minnesota-based Hot Dang Grain Burgers that makes meatless items, such as the “Big Tex,” a grain burger ready made for the barbecue. Her products are sold in many Whole Food stores across the country.

Why the increase in meatless meat? Those in the know say better health habits among consumers, along with tastier products, are providing a healthy financial benefit for businesses and investors. Also, there is a growing sense that the meatless meat industry is more environmentally friendly.



  1. None of that product is healthy.. It is made with processed soy which is terrible for you and carrageenan. Chemicals! Who would eats this?

  2. They sell that at the Red Light store?

  3. What is really the meat in a MacDonalds hamburger? It doesn't look like the groundbeef I get at the store or the butcher!

  4. So it's healthier to eat a highly processed, artificially flavored, synthesized and extruded simulated meat product, than a simple grass fed steak?

    I'm not buying it.

    It just goes to show, that people want to eat meat, it's in our nature.

    If we weren't intended to eat animals, why are they made of meat?

  5. This is why all vegans look like dog S&%t. Even worse if they're organic nuts.

  6. Compare the number of fatsos now compared to pictures from the 50's and before, when only plain real food was available.

  7. 5:35 Google vegan models. Better looking than 99% on the people you see in Salisbury.

  8. Vegan = Bulimic = Diet freak. Yes, diet freaks do this as a first priority in their lives above all else.

    Food to me is just energy I need to accomplish my goals in life.

    It's not my goal in life, that would be stupid.

    But, there are stupid people.


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