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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

School Freaks Out Over Boys Baseball Storage Shed

You’d best get out your hip waders, folks – we’re about to wade through a steaming pile of government balderdash.

The controversy surrounds a storage shed built by the baseball booster club at Arbor View High School in Las Vegas. The youngsters needed a place to store their bats and balls and bases.

The boosters had wanted to build a clubhouse for the teenage ball players, but after months of delay they came up with an alternative plan.

One of the parents knew the owner of a company that made precast one-story buildings. The company offered to donate the manpower and materials to build the boys a shed.

Carl Pastrone, whose son is a pitcher and outfielder for the Arbor View Aggies, told me they pitched their plan to school administrators and were promptly given a green light. That was in 2014.

The storage shed was erected last September. Boosters installed doors and gave the shed a coat of paint – nothing elaborate.

“It cost the booster club zero,” Carl told me.

And that was that – until a few months ago.

That’s when officials with the Clark County School District showed up at the school and demanded that the storage shed be torn down.

More here


  1. that's libs for ya...

  2. Sounds like something Frederickson would do here.

  3. That's a big shed. Why didn't they just share?

  4. As a result all parents involved with the booster should quit

  5. That was just criminally stupid. What panties-in-a-wad, cretinous liberals demanded this absolute foolishness?
    The obvious solutions of sharing the building with the boys or attempting to duplicate it through teamwork and public spirit didn't occur to them? Of course they did. But instead of doing that, they wanted to make some shooting-yourself-in-the-foot point by threatening the school system with a multimillion dollar lawsuit, the answer to which was the travesty of razing the building.
    This was not a strike for equality, it was an abuse of the law that caused suffering rather than relieving it.
    Shame on them!

  6. Why not build a dividing wall in it and have "Inboards" and "Outboards" signs on the doors?

    It's incredulous how ignorant a leftie can possibly get.

  7. Parkside had to do the same thing several years ago. The baseball team raised funds for a building and put it up. The girls coach then complained, under title 9 that it was not fair. They had to put a building up for the girls even though they raises no money for it.

  8. in a liberals mind to share the building is not equal because it is not seperate. I am sure that if the girls coach had gone to the Boosters and asked if they had room for their equipment accommodations would have been made. Besides that no federal education funds were used in the construction of the bldg. so how is that a violation of title IX? The school district was not even involved so I see no violation, but then again I am not a liberal lawyer drinking the kool-aide either! And yes aide was spelled that way on purpose.


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