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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Black professor regrets comments critical of white students

BOSTON (AP) — An incoming Boston University professor who called “white college males” a “problem population” and was publicly criticized by the university’s president said on Tuesday she regrets making the remarks.

Black sociology professor Saida Grundy, who completed her doctorate at the University of Michigan last year, had declared on her now-private Twitter account that “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.”

In other recent tweets, she said, “Deal with your white (expletive), white people. slavery is a (asterisk)YALL(asterisk) thing,” and “Every MLK week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. And every year I find it nearly impossible.”

Grundy on Tuesday said events in the United States over the past year have made “the inconvenient matter of race” an unavoidable topic, but she expressed remorse over what she had said.



  1. racism at its finest


  2. University would be wise to retract her offer of employment. She has not reported to work and does not enjoy tenure.

    Her voluntary, unsolicited comments about a topic she will undoubtedly need to address in her classes indicate a poisoned mind which will cause many students to avoid her classes, and will place other students who end up having to enroll in them in the position of having an instructor who hates their guts before the first lecture.

    The university has indicated their disapproval. Let's see if they have the courage to do the right thing. There are oodles of brand new sociology instructor candidates who can fill the slot.

    Hope the alums weigh in.

  3. And she's a college professor....pathetic

  4. I see a hate filled person. May one day you let God onto your life and let the lies go.

  5. Yep...racism is alive and well...fan those flames just like the White House does...(uh oh-maybe the name of that should be changed)

  6. Glad she's not white...she would be labled a racist...

    1. She's half white/half black. Either way, she's a hater/racists.

  7. Most white people I know are more than willing to let race be a none issue. Just because many blacks feel that they need to mouth off and sound ignorant does not mean that whites need to respond. That is why its called race baiting in the first place.

    Shake your head and go back to your job paying taxes so that the more useless members of society can sit around and pontificate about why they are so oppressed.

  8. I don't think she has remorse for what she said. She has remorse because she has been called out on it. She is a racist, but it is ok since she is black.

  9. The definition of Racism is not exclusive of whites referring to blacks.
    It cuts both ways.

  10. The definition of "Racism" is the feeling of superiority to other races, and I believe that this only applies to one race. There is a group or race that chooses to elevate themselves higher than all of the rest of us. They want to be known as "African Americans", not American's like the rest of us simple folks.

  11. She only regrets making the remarks because she got called out for it. RACISM at it's finest.

  12. She only regrets it because it's been all over the news.


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