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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hillary Gets ‘4 Pinocchios’ For Alleging Illegal Aliens Pay More In Taxes Than Corporations

When you need a story to back up your political beliefs, and don’t really have a good one – just make it up. That’s what Hillary Clinton did last week in a speech in Las Vegas. It’s a claim so false that Politifact has given it four Pinnochios.

“In New York, which I know a little bit about because I represented it for eight years and I live there now, our undocumented workers in New York pay more in taxes than some of the biggest corporations in New York.”

The claim, sourced to a post on the website of Clinton rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), ignores crucial facts—such as the billions that alleged tax-dodging corporations actually pay—and compares tax bills for a group of individuals and corporate entities, which obscures crucial distinctions, the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler found.

Even if Clinton incorrectly stated her talking point, this is a tendentious argument that is probably made even less relevant by 2014 tax data. (Note how the taxes paid by Verizon and Citicorp increased as the economy began to pick up.) If she is only talking about state and local income taxes, that’s just $186 million, according to the ITEP estimate for New York. Verizon and Citicorp still exceed that number on state and local taxes alone.



  1. If there weren't any illegal aliens than companies would have to raise wages to get people to do the work the aliens are doing. This would increase the available taxable income allowing for more tax money to be collected. The governments policies aren't just screwing over workers they are costing themselves tax money.

  2. her pants suit afire yet?

  3. She tells so many lies she doesn't remember them. That's why her opinions always change. If anyone votes for her they are either plain ignorant or as corrupt as she is. Watch who supports her in endorsements and donations.

  4. She can tell lies all day long, just like Obama did, and no one will call her on it.


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