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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Baltimore Prosecutor Deliberately Heightens Racial Tensions

On May 1, Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby charged six police officers, including two black male officers and one female black officer, with 28 various charges, including murder and manslaughter over the death of Freddie Gray. Officer Caesar Goodsoon, the black driver of the van Gray rode in, was charged by the 35-year-old state’s attorney for Baltimore City with the most serious offense, “second-degree depraved heart murder,” which means indifference to human life. Baltimore is 64 percent black, and almost half of the Baltimore Police department is black.

The officers are accused of arresting and roughing up Gray, who is black, for no good reason, then neglecting his request for medical care as they took him to the police station. The officers arrested him because they believed he had a switchblade, which is illegal under Maryland law. Mosby declared that he did not have a switchblade, claiming there was no probable cause to arrest him. Mosby said while he was being transported in the back of the police van without a seatbelt on, he suffered a neck and back injury. He died a week later of the injuries. One of the officers charged, Garrett Miller, has said that Gray was arrested “without force or incident.”

Mosby announced the charges a mere 12 days after Gray’s death, only one day after receiving the results of the police internal investigation and almost immediately after receiving the medical examiner’s report. In contrast, a grand jury returned a decision of no indictment against Officer Darren Wilson more than three months later after his death.



  1. We have moved to the point of "No Return."
    The black society has pushed the White society into a corner.
    I fear and know that when they push back and it will happen , not even the military will control this battle.

  2. No 6:40. If they act up again the same thing will happen. They will be herded and corralled back into their own ghetto neighborhoods where they will be given space to crap up their own nests.

    In Baltimore the downtown area where the tourist, the business and the financial district is was heavily guarded. When they tried to loot the Gallery at the Harbor they were immediately slammed to the ground, arrested and held on extremely high bails. This ended it real quick. They knew if they kept on trying they would die.


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