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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

SPD Press Release 5-13-15 (PSA Off Road Motorcycles)


  1. ...past few weeks? More like the past few years. Instead of putting out "PSA's", how about you start arresting the hoodlums?

  2. All these kids are dope dealers. No way these guys have brand new bikes like I'm seeing with no jobs. Or they're stolen.

  3. no license, no insurance and nothing to lose. cops ignore them because there is nothing to gain by stopping them. They won't and don't pay fines. Law abiding people are easy targets because they must pay fine or lose license.

  4. 8:14 which completely wrong. Cops don't attempt to stop them because they ALWAYS run and police aren't allowed to chase.

  5. They are dope runners. Backpacks filled with drugs. They come out of Pemberton Manor at all times of the day and night. They also frequent the area near Prince Street Elementary. Officers won't catch them with cars, as they go through yards and areas where cars can't travel. It is a calculated maneuver by the criminals.

  6. The kids are a big problem in the Truitt street area, riding quads and dirt bikes up and down the side streets to get to the railroad tracks, saw one dump the dirt bike and take off on foot after an officer tried to pull them over, that dirt bike had to be stolen, I don't think they caught that kid but at least they got the bike off the streets.

    Now that it has warmed up the unregistered scooters are coming back out in force.

    The SPD needs to make a mobile app. were we can submit photo's to them and mark a spot on a map where they were.

  7. 8:22 Why don't you try not stopping for a cop next time on tries to pull you over? I bet they chase you! Bet you have a license, tags and insurance that you cannot afford to lose.


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