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Friday, May 22, 2015


Maryland State Police Press Release

(PIKESVILLE, MD) As the unofficial start to the summer travel season beings, Maryland State Police are stepping up traffic enforcement efforts to keep Maryland roads safe this holiday weekend.

Troopers throughout the state will be conducting special traffic enforcement initiatives this Memorial Day weekend in an effort to reduce motor vehicle crashes. The SPIDRE Team, a full-time drunk driving enforcement team, will be out this weekend in areas where drunk drivers and drunk driving crashes are known to be prevalent. Troopers from each of the 22 state police installations will be working a variety of initiatives which include DUI saturation patrols, speed and seatbelt enforcement as well as aggressive and distracted driving. Their goal will be to remind motorists that driving while impaired or distracted is not a good way to start the summer travel season.

Operation SHOWBOAT will concentrate on Route 50 from Anne Arundel County to Ocean City, Route 301 in Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties, and Route 13 in Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester Counties. Troopers and local law enforcement will target aggressive drivers and educate the public through strict traffic enforcement.

Operation Millipede, a highway safety initiative in Prince George’s County, is designed to reduce motor vehicle crashes while inhibiting criminal activity. Patrol troopers will be making complete traffic stops to diminish criminal activity through criminal interdiction while enforcing all traffic laws. The month of May has been designated as ‘Occupant Safety Month,’ so there will be zero tolerance for any unrestrained occupants.

These high visibility enforcement efforts are to reduce the number of aggressive driving motor vehicle crashes in which speed, alcohol and other driving violations are contributing factors to crashes on Maryland roads. Maryland State Police continue to support the Maryland Highway Safety Office’s ‘Move Toward Zero Deaths’ campaign. For additional travel information on Maryland roads, visit md511.org.

CONTACT: SGT. Marc Black
Office of Media Communications, 410-653-4236


  1. Ah yes, the smell of bar-b-que. Lying on the beach and paying those tickets to help the police with their funding ventures. buy a tank on us! hilarous

  2. 12:09 Without laws and rules, there would be chaos. Slow the F down, wear your seat belt, don't drink and drive and you have no issues. But, keep thinking your speeding is someone else's fault. Idiot.

  3. you are correct If you do not do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about, says all those guys the police seem to be killing for no reason.

  4. Dot cops on rt 5o in hebron running radar. Wtf? Those trucks dodging scales and speeding back roads are good money. Take from the big corporations troopers not the poor hard working folks. And how is it that drunk driving crashes are common to any specific area? Unless its in down town Salisbury. Land of bars and art galleries/ wine tastings.

  5. This is a lie, they step up enforcement to make money. They are too lazy to go after real criminals.

  6. Love the statement: "Patrol troopers will be making complete traffic stops to diminish criminal activity through criminal interdiction while enforcing all traffic laws". The Bill of Rights has been suspended until after the holiday. Just want everyone to be safe and feel good. How many will be shot under this free for all?

  7. real criminals are dangerous, shake down the family going to the beach, it's easy and they will pay the fine and money won't be wasted on pepper spray... unless they become unruly

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:09 Without laws and rules, there would be chaos. Slow the F down, wear your seat belt, don't drink and drive and you have no issues. But, keep thinking your speeding is someone else's fault. Idiot.

    May 22, 2015 at 12:15 PM

    lol and YOU have nerve to call someone else an idiot?

    you are either brainwashed very well or one of the ones doing the brainwashing. there would be no chaos if we didnt have laws and rules. there certainly was no chaos before the corporate police showed up on the scene.

    they would have people believe there would be chaos and social meltdowns to justify their being in existence and continue their power tripping actions.

    other than muscle for corps and politicians, I see no real reason to have as many as we do. it OBVIOUSLY is not for reductions in crime or preventing chaos, since kops are responsible for most of it to begin with.

    seriously, when do you usually see a kop? when they are about to take your money and/or property or perhaps to take a report on a crime ALREADY committed.

    oh, and the occasional photo ops that try to show what super nice people they are and so very helpful.



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