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Friday, May 22, 2015

107 Million Spiders Found in 4-Acre Nest at Baltimore Wastewater Plant

If you’re afraid of spiders, avert your eyes – a nightmare straight out of Arachnophobia was just discovered in Baltimore’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. Researchers found spiderwebs covering 95% of the building’s interior – which spans a whopping four acres – and the plant is estimated to be the home of 107 million spiders!



  1. I hope they get a really good exterminator!

  2. And not a living fly or mosquito to be seen in those four acres.

  3. No poisons/chemicals necessary to remove these critters, just industrial vacuum cleaners with long tube attachments.

  4. A big fire would do.

  5. 107 million spiders are there because there's something else crawling around in there, for them to eat..

  6. You wouldn't have that many spiders if there were not also a lot of flies.

  7. Concerned RetireeMay 22, 2015 at 2:18 PM

    Is there not Health regulations? Is there not inspections? Where is the Unions, unsafe working conditions, taking them home on your person? Where is MOSHA, unsafe and unhealthy working condition? Where is the preventive maintenance?

  8. rather spiders than flies

  9. OMG times 100. Spiders falling from the skies down under, and now millions of spiders good old Baltimore. What's that wonderful mayor doing about it?

    Where did the money go for maintenance and inspections? Money lining someone's pockets..

    I have stopped going to Baltimore period. The entire city is corrupt. Nothing of any value exists there in my opinion.


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