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Friday, May 22, 2015

Foolin: Handcuffed Baltimore Man Fakes Injury After Noticing Camera!


  1. What an idiot...

  2. I knew that Freddie Gray guy was playing dead.

  3. Typical inmate behavior.

  4. I am just glad that the newscaster got that on camera. No telling what kind of story he would make up about the cops. What a POS!!!

  5. Call faker Al Sharpton to meet this faker.

  6. This is the problem. The police will no longer be able to do their job without fear of losing it because of pieces of crap like this.

    1. Bull. They did their jobs right dealing with this pos. No excuses officer. Camera or not. The thing is that nobody would believe any accusations if it wasn't so prevalent. If cops were the stand up good guys they're supposed to be then this wouldn't be a problem. Same with the good cops who keep silent. How many news stories have you heard of a cop turning in other bad cops? 2! Two in as many years. Lmao. Your all just as guilty as the criminals you arrest!

  7. That's what happened to Freddie Gray, he was faking it just like this guy. It's about time this is exposed and this is the reason cops don't believe a criminal when he cries for help.

    1. Except that somehow he managed to practically decapitate himself, after being loaded in the van...somehow!

  8. He had to walk twenty steps most work he has done in months he may be hurt lol. Black lives matter lol. What a p.o.s. Cops need to let it go Blue Flu. Let the zoo burn. I will never spend another red cent in Blatimore as long as the current racist Mayor and State's Attorney are in office. Only thing missing is the tail

  9. My goodness , did he trip?
    Poor devil , being treated so bad by those police officers.
    Those officers should be locked up and go to jail , he only shot someone , what's the big deal?
    My goodness , he needs our help , maybe some more playgrounds or basketball courts , or food stamps or anything.
    Oh I have an idea , 7.62 would do fine.

  10. If he had called it work, the guy wouldn't have gone near it.

  11. kind of hard to fake an 80% separation of his spine at the neck dummies

  12. most of you really need to stop watching tv and try to salvage what little brains you have left, if its not too late


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