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Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Viewer Writes: More and more complaints about Fat Boys

Publishers Notes: Yesterday we shopped around for a bushel of crabs in Ocean City. Are you ready, $300.00 a bushel!!! So we threw some crab traps out yesterday and brought in 16 crabs. By mid day today we should have enough for everyone and yes, they are keepers. 


  1. Dont play the victim girl. Stand up for y9urself. If thise f heads did yhat to me i woulda put my truck right through their front door

  2. The only thing I've ever heard about Fat Boys, is that they're the worst.

  3. Skipjacks right up the street is better hands down...just lock your cars or trucks...not a nice part of Salisbury, but, the people are friendly and great at Skipjacks!

  4. The first year they were open we bought crabs there twice both times they were undersized and had no meat inside. It is my understanding that the best crabs they have Clayton takes to the store in DC were he can get the higher price. They sell the scraps here. You can buy better crabs anywhere than from these guys.

  5. Bought a bushel yesterday. I was told that the crabs were heavy with meat. Absolutely the worst crabs ever. Paper shells and no meat. Fat Boys really went to hell when all they attend carrying about was shipping the independence card and the heck with quality and customer service. Never again will they get our business and we by alot of seafood.

  6. Crabs are just not worth getting this time of year. They are always light. Most don't even come from this area either. The best crabs we have ever gotten were in September or even October. They are sure to be full of meat that time of year.

  7. I shopped around in OC a couple weeks ago for crabs, because I wasn't sure if the place I normally go had started yet, and they were $75/doz!!! Not happening. So I called Elliott's Seafood in Berlin/off 589 and was thrilled that he was open!! They were $75 for a half bushel! I always go there and have always been more than pleased. I refuse to go anywhere else!!

  8. There are two sides to a story , you should never believe what you hear unless you have both sides then you can make your decision. The person making the story should tell the whole story, she didnt even pay for the crab meat another family member paid for it she must have forgotten and left that out, so what other things did she leave out, did she tell what she did while she was there?
    No. And I can say no one was gathering around her and she was so scared she drove and parked right there in sight of fat boys on the street that is right next to fat boys and sat there and after she called the police and was told not to come back on the property and when she got ready to leave she put her hand out her window and waved so like I said there are two sides to a story. Really she should tell how she acted.

    1. I don't care how you try to justify yourselves. Your crooks. Your crabs are small and garbage. Owners son is a junkie/ flunkie and all you care about is ebt money.

  9. Bought from Fat Boys yesterday and the crabs were good and the service was excellent

    1. OK. You got the only good crabs in three years? They were the best when you first opened. In one year you didn't care anymore.

  10. 12:47 employee? relative?

  11. skipjacks has great tuna, crabs, and corn on the cob. i dont go anywhere else

  12. The cops need to watch fat boys really something up at that joint.

    Shrimp are great there. Crabs go my lunar cycle people. They dealers just need to be honest and adjust the price.

    I wont go back because you just feel dirty in that joint. They need to clean out the trash if you know what I mean

    1. Owners son. He ain't going anywhere.

  13. If you don't mind a ride and want fresh blue crabs ,call ahead and take a drive south to Crisfield where the crabs you get today were swimming yesterday.

  14. 1200...i call b.s. on that. I have heard similar stories about your place of employment. Does it teally matter if she bought them or a family member did. Im not sure of the significance. Where would you like her to park while waiting for police.
    Whether you like it or not your place has a bad reputation. You will bully the wrong person one day.

  15. The crabs are really pre season right now. Crabs from the Chesapeake are small. Those from Carolinas bigger and more decent. As for price, they all charge the same but adjust the size description to match the price. A decent crab weighs 6 oz. If it is under, it's not decent. There are NO standards that relate to what size you can call a crab. Weight of 6oz or more is decent to compare prices amongst those that offer a 6oz or better crab. If they won't let you weigh it, go elsewhere.

    I see that even Bobby in Berlin has raised his prices. You need to be patient and wait a while when things are more plentiful.

  16. My experience with then was awful. Something very shady there. They carry wads of cash to the casino regularly.

    1. Good to know. They've robbed me enough and I'm broke!

  17. They just flat out suck. The last 3 or 4 times we bought there the quality was marginal at best. Skipjacks is no day at the park either. At least at Fat Boys the crabs are ready when you say you will be there. They are NEVER ready at Skipjacks.

  18. To 5:29 Poster

    My wife and I used to go there quite often and buy their carry-outs. I would get fish, and my wife would get crab cakes.

    Last year they all of a sudden closed the kitchen. I asked them what was up - and they said for me to call-in first to see if they were open.

    Now what does that tell you about their style of running a business.

  19. I recall they were in violation with zon laws in Wicomico County when they built the place.

  20. Please leave his son out of this. Freedom of speech is alive and well but his son is not a junkie or a bad person. Actually his son hasnt been involved there for over a year now. Maybe thays the problem?

  21. So 5:29 you gone back 4 times after 3 times of poor quality? Sounds like you're lying or just a moron.

  22. Clayton calls himself a christian

  23. Its worth the drive to Cambridge to get the best crabs. I heard Clayton was no longer affliated with fat Boys.

  24. I've been several times and have only had one batch of "soggy" steamed shrimp. every other time has been very good if not excellent.

  25. People Bobby Leath could buy and sell you all a thousand times over. Jealousy is a terrible thing. You all hate it because he is a millionaire. If you don't like it don't go there and be done with all this bs. He gave the idiot her crabmeat exchange so what is the problem. He could not be any fairer than that. Get a life!

  26. Fat Boys was tasty when they first opened, but they have served TERRIBLE food last year and this. I was already done with them anyway. Which is sad, because we buy from a seafood market at least twice a week. Their loss. I hope they close soon.

  27. LEACH A millionaire?

  28. If that man is a millionaire he should spend some of his money and attend a customer service seminar, maybe go back to high school.

  29. We got a half bushel of females from them early in the week. I would call almost all of them medium. We only found one bad one in the bunch, the rest were fat and full.

    You can't blame them for taking EBT/food stamps, it's business after all. Blame the government that doesn't restrict food stamps from being used on lobster, candy or jugs of sugary kool aid drinks. It pisses me off too, seeing them used to buy king crab claws when my paycheck has to be budgeted to afford my groceries.

    But don't blame the business for it. Last time I was at the Millsboro BJ''s, buying a working person's bottle of wine, I noticed a sign saying they took EBT there, right at the liquor store. That isn't right either.

    1. Stay in state bud. Who cares about Delaware? Were talking a Maryland business.

  30. Skip Jacks is the place, very good seafood......

  31. Still better than the Old Mill.

  32. His son kept the place tight he needs to go back. Needs a good cleaning and get the kitchen back open. I loved the carry out. They need a good cook the carry out was inconsistent. People the crabs all come out of the same bay. You get the same crabs lol people are idiots now with that said some crabbers do a premium pack for certain customers. They throw fattys on top and whitey down at the bottom of the basket you don't know till you get them weighed for all the rest. trash crabs should be cheaper but the crabbers cry all day long at the dock they need to throw junk back and let em fill up.

    Sorry Bobby the place needs a good cleaning and you cant trust your help

  33. Anonymous said...
    There are two sides to a story , you should never believe what you hear unless you have both sides then you can make your decision. The person making the story should tell the whole story, she didnt even pay for the crab meat another family member paid for it she must have forgotten and left that out, so what other things did she leave out, did she tell what she did while she was there?
    No. And I can say no one was gathering around her and she was so scared she drove and parked right there in sight of fat boys on the street that is right next to fat boys and sat there and after she called the police and was told not to come back on the property and when she got ready to leave she put her hand out her window and waved so like I said there are two sides to a story. Really she should tell how she acted.

    May 25, 2015 at 12

    Anonymous said...
    Bought from Fat Boys yesterday and the crabs were good and the service was excellent

    May 25, 2015 at 12:47 PM

    Both people are the same commenters....LMAO

  34. Hey try 1 fish 2 fish. I go there all the time. They actually weigh the crabs so no papershells unless you get the smalls. We usually get the xl's and there great. All just shy of half lb per crab. Used to be our secret spot but they're busy now. Guess our secret got out.

  35. Anonymous said...
    If you don't mind a ride and want fresh blue crabs ,call ahead and take a drive south to Crisfield where the crabs you get today were swimming yesterday.

    May 25, 2015 at 1:20 PM

    The crabs I get today should have been swimming today!!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Please leave his son out of this. Freedom of speech is alive and well but his son is not a junkie or a bad person. Actually his son hasnt been involved there for over a year now. Maybe thays the problem?

    May 25, 2015 at 9:40 PM

    No one said he was a junkie, they said he was a flunkie. Get your battles straight.

  37. I am a professional and have NEVER had anything bad at Fat Boys. I could bet my entire savings and properties that that didn't happen. Meaning, No one surrounded the young girl and spoke that way. I go there at least once a week and buy their deviled eggs and other seafood and HAVE never been treated in any other way, but kind and customer service friendly.

    My bet is the young girl was trying to take back something that wasn't theirs or she was trying to get something for nothing. No doubt!

    1. Your a professional what? Reputation saver? How much did they pay you for this comment? Anyone can purchase damage control.

  38. I have to say I never had a bad experience at the place ..but the use of profanity is the normal with the Owner ...one night My Son was home from the Military and we spent about 80 Bucks there.. a County Inspector came in and put a stop use order on his dining area... and the Owner went ballistic cussing the guy out .. at the time I totally sympathized with him because the Inspector was aggressive as well... but the exchange does go to support what the poster says about the way he handles himself .. and whoever called her a liar is a tool

  39. 4:15. Wow! Are you owner of Skip Jacks? Must be upset they have all the Seafood business!

  40. Anonymous said...
    Hey try 1 fish 2 fish. I go there all the time. They actually weigh the crabs so no papershells unless you get the smalls. We usually get the xl's and there great. All just shy of half lb per crab. Used to be our secret spot but they're busy now. Guess our secret got out.

    May 31, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    I love how these owners try to sneak in a free plug for there little business.... LMAO

  41. Food is always good there but my family will not go back there for the way we were treated & discriminated against.
    During a holiday, we decided to have fresh seafood for a family dinner. My wife called around for shrimp, clams, & oyster prices. We found the shrimp to be cheaper at Fat Boys but not the clams & oysters. When my wife inquired about prices on the phone at Fay Boys she was told the prices by the girl answering the phone but nothing about pre ordering. We bought the clams & oysters in Pocomoke & then came back to Salisbury to Fat Boys to get the shrimp. We waited in line with no issues. Stepped up to the cash register & requested 5 lbs of steamed shrimp. She asked if we had pre-ordered. We said "No & was not told on the phone to do so earlier when we called." She said she would check with the owner to see if they had any for sale. The owner came out to us & we said we wanted 5 lbs of shrimp. He said he would sell us 3 lbs because that was all he had left if we didn't pre-order. Needing 5 lbs, my wife turned to me & said "What do you want to do because we need 5 lbs? If we knew that we would have bought the shrimp when we bought the clams & oysters in Pocomoke." The owner said "What did you say?" I advised him my wife was talking to me about whether to get just the 3 lbs when we need 5. He said "She also said you should have bought somewhere else." I said "No, that is not the point she was trying to make. You don't have what we need & she was asking what we should do to get what we need. How come we were not told to pre-order when we were on the phone with you guys earlier?" He then says "I know what she said to you & I now have no more shrimp to sell you. We are sold out. Now get out of my store!" I said "What happened to the 3 lbs you had 45 seconds ago?" He said "I don't have any shrimp to sell YOU OR YOUR WIFE & I asked you to leave." I asked why he was discriminating against us. He told us to go back to the store we were at earlier. I said we were giving him the business by buying the shrimp here. His reply was "I am the owner & I decide who I sell to & I am not telling you again to leave my store."
    We left but will not be back. If Fat Boys can't handle the holiday stress they shouldn't open on those days. I find it very disheartning that a local business would treat customers that way especially when they rely on those local customers to keep them in business during the "off season."
    Sharptown customer....not again.

  42. It seems to me that Fat Boys should not be posting here under the anonymous tagline.. his postings and defense have no integrity..it's a shame that somebody would devote himself to a business and draw so much attention with his uncivil manners. It was a sad day for East Salisbury when Bucks closed across and just down the road ..they were a pleasure to do business with.

  43. Absolutely 11:06! couldn't agree more!

  44. Anon 10:07 a.m. Sounds like The Shrimp Nazi.


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