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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Salisbury Police Officer Caught Texting And Driving

This image and information was put out on Facebook today. Here's what you need to know. Believe it or not, law enforcement is immune to the texting and talking on the phone while driving laws. We were told directly a few years ago that they are exempt because they allegedly go through special training for this issue.

That being said, it depends on the Police Department. For example, Sheriff Lewis absolutely discourages ANY of his Officers from doing so. I'm not sure where Chief Barbara Duncan stands on this matter but I'm confident through comments we'll learn very quickly her position on the matter. 

Pictures don't lie but know this, Police Officer in Maryland are exempt from these laws. 


  1. COPS are above the law.

  2. Duncan can't stay off her blackberry while she drives.

  3. Can I go thru the special training and will be exempt?

    1. HAHAHA I'll take the training course with ya!

  4. There is no special training to enable someone to simultaneously drive and text safely. If there were, there'd be a license for it and the state would make a buck regulating it.

  5. I don't care.....this is petty.....what happened to live and let live?

    1. Until he runs into you and you die and then it won't seem so petty.

  6. They also can drive better than most drives too right? Yet look at how many police are killed in the line of duty not by gun fire but by car accidents.

    I had a state police almost sideswipe me a few months ago. I called the barracks but they couldn't have cared less about my complaint.

    1. They never do. Had some old ugly blonde lady Sgt threaten me with arrest if I didn't leave cause I wanted to file a complaint. They're all scum .

  7. Apparently, police are exempt from ALL laws... Who do I pay to get my badge??

  8. what about the state boy that ran off the bypass by the Northwood dr exit. Haven't heard the latest on this but I'm sure he was texting.

    1. Would you bet your house on it?

    2. Still claiming deer?

  9. The picture looks like he is sitting in front of a business...not sitting in traffic. For the idiots who want to make people look bad you should seriously get a better angle next time to prove your case.

  10. Who cares what a bunch of loser whiners.

  11. 5:26 They said it was a deer on the overpass, must have been the one with the red nose.

  12. BS there is no 'special training' to text and drive. ITS DANGEROUS AND DISTRACTIVE.

  13. How do we know that this cop wasnt stopped or parked at the time this photo was taken? And if he was driving one can assume the the citizen that took the photo was also on the phone while driving. Just Saying...

    1. Or the passenger. Just saying.

  14. I have just been appointed in the home I live in and have my wife and children as police in my home . WE all have taken special training for texting and cell phone use when we drive. Now we can do this without getting a ticket. WOW we are also cops, WOW.

  15. I am message 5.44 PM . I appointed my wife and she appointed me, Together as the GOVS. of the home, OUR STATE, which is named OUR HOME we also have the power to appoint our children as State COPS. THANKS AMERICA.

  16. Please do tell....What was the special training? Please tell us... They are so full of it!!

    They are not "above the law". What idiot saids that "special training". This is so embarassing thinking she could get away with a response like that!

  17. Of course this is a ridiculous rule. If the police get special trining so they can text, talk, be on their computers and eat donuts all at the same time, why do we not all get that training? Would that not save lives? I mean thats the reason the cops giveo out all those tickets, right? To save lives. Huh..HILARIOUS

  18. Bunch of fn hypocrites on here including you albero.

    1. Don't like it then don't read it! No one has put a gun to your head so you must enjoy looking at this website...who's the hypocrite now?

  19. "Most police do not care who likes them.... Police are going to keep doing what they do."
    This cop said it all for me.

  20. EVOC is the training.

    1. Emergency vehicle operator course?! ROFLMFAO! Where do they cover cell phone operation in that course?! Don't kid a kidder!

  21. THE ONE that was on the bypass was the same State Police that ran off the bypass and flipped his court 1 year ago. He was the same one that that shot and killed the Black Man at the Md State Police Barracks (across from Walmart). Remember, he smelled pot!! Same man!!!

  22. flipped his car (i meant). So that's 2 accidents in past 2 years plus killed a man for having the scent of "marijuana" in his car!

  23. Looks like the police pants are down! There can be no training for talking, texting, blogging, and eating donuts while driving or it would be one of the most competitive growing businesses in the state!

    There are two sets of laws...

    You are the loser here.

  24. Coming back from OC today I saw two MSP vehicles speeding with no lights on. On the other side of the highway (eastbound) sat three MSP running radar in front of Pittsville Carpet. Store said they've been there for a couple days now. Turn those lights on! /sarcasm/

    1. How fast were they going?

    2. No headlights on ... I should have been more specific! I was doing 61, he blew my doors off.

  25. This needs to be put in perspective. I have an iPhone that I use for practically everything. One is keeping track of time. I have been approached regarding using a phone while driving (which I rarely do and it's only briefly). So, I'm sitting there at a traffic light, parking brakes on, and someone pulls up next to me to tell me not to use my phone. I ask for what. I haven't had a watch for years now but I can now buy a (i)watch to surf the net and do phone calls. I don't have one. Just how long will it be before checking the time will be illegal?

    There's just too damn much Government looking over our shoulders that needs to be cleaned out. We need to clean these idiots out of our Government. Please start with Mathias.

  26. 6:51, there is nothing in the EVOC ( Emergency Vehicle Operator Course, for those of you who might not be familiar) that addresses texting and driving or talking and driving. It is essentially just a more in depth defensive driving course. Wanna try another excuse?

  27. 5:28 & 5:39 Sorry to see that you failed the reading comprehension part of the test.

  28. North Salisbury Blvd on the hwy in front of Marshalls. That's the mattress store!

  29. who cares, 100% of the citizenry do it.

  30. TA 21-1124.1 makes no exemption for law enforcement officers. Officers cannot text while driving. They are exempt for purposes of using the phone but not texting

  31. They have the gun and can text whenever they want...Try and stop them.

  32. There are different laws for the rich, who own everything including police and justice system, versus regular folk. And when I say rich, I mean the 1% of the 1%.

    They stage wars and supply both sides with weapons and materials to fight each other. They don't care who gets killed as long as they continue to collect the monies.

    They have militaries of whole countries do their bidding, so how hard would it be to have police depts do the same? After all, that's really who the cops protect and serve, not the common man.

    Everything we think we know is a lie. Whatever worse case scenario anyone can think of, it is much, much worse. They started and profited off world wars, killed one of our presidents and other nations leaders, not only knew about the holocaust but was directly involved in it. Death camps, profited off slave labor in work camps, kept the gold from their teeth and watches.

    3rd world countries know how corrupt and evil our country is but its actions. Most americans are oblivious to it. They give us enemies to hate and fight against, false patriotism to be willing to fight, keep us in fear so we will willingly allow them to rule over us. They control the media, schools, police, govts, everything. Because they OWN all of it.

    Reject them. Reject their laws, their taxes, their chains. Most of all, reject their lies.

    Pull back the curtain and come face to face with the real enemies. Not the ones that are fabricated to keep us in line and them in power.

    Free yourselves.

    Why stay in a prison when the door has been opened?

  33. texting and driving kills... let him go. idiot!

  34. I would like to see the syllabus of this special texting and driving course. Where can I find it?

  35. I am willing to bet a watermelon that those who are posting negative comments about the police have been arrested in the past. Somehow you think it is the officer's fault that you were caught doing whatever it was you did. Take responsibility for what you did and stop the place blaming.

  36. Wrong 10:59. I'm 30 years old with a wife and kids, college education, and full time job. I have never been arrested, detained, or even questioned by the police. I, like many citizens of this country, are sick of seeing the police abuse their positions. We are sick of the " we are above the law" attitudes that are displayed daily, nationwide. The way the police walk around feeling that they are better than the average citizen. How they view everyone they come in contact with as a criminal who is guilty until proven innocent. So before you start blaming everyone else, take a look in the mirror and remember what you signed up to do, protect and serve, and uphold the constitution. Nobody said it was going to be a fun and easy job. If you can't do that then find another career. And maybe, just maybe if you guys would start doing your jobs like you are supposed to then maybe you would start earning some respect from us "criminals".

  37. I got an $83 ticket for talking on the phone going 25 MPH, The next day I followed a MSP 4 miles as he talked and worked on his computer. With my driving record which includes millions of logged miles including some track racing in the past and 0 accidents and, I challenge any officer to be able able to multi task as well as I do. because they took a one week course. Now I only say this because all these laws are about young kids 16 getting their license and not understanding that texting is NOT talking on the phone. Your eyes are just as alert and you it is no different that talking to a passenger and taking a drink of soda. BullSh*t is all it is and another money make. I do agree a law should be against texting.

  38. Let em text, I don't care. Now give me the same treatment and quit trying to make a buck every time a person blinks, sneezes or breathes too loud. Screw the nanny state.

  39. Troopers operating their Lap Tops have rear ended citizens doing the speed limit and wearing their seat belts ..even killed a couple

    In my opinion ..

    The "Click It or Ticket" campaign is just probable cause to rummage through June Bugs cars without a warrant -- and revenue for the Collective

  40. To 10:59- You have never been arrested, detained or even spoken to a policeman yet you are filled with hate for them; sad. The police are sworn to uphold the law, including laws they don't like. (Which is more than I can say for Obama).
    Perhaps it is the laws you (and I) you don't like. Hate the law or change the law instead of those sworn to enforce them.
    Remember it is the politicians that we elect who make the laws we complain about.

    1. 4:32 what are you talking about? You aren't even close to understanding what 10:59 was saying.

  41. Anonymous said...
    6:51, there is nothing in the EVOC ( Emergency Vehicle Operator Course, for those of you who might not be familiar) that addresses texting and driving or talking and driving. It is essentially just a more in depth defensive driving course. Wanna try another excuse?

    May 27, 2015 at 7:15 PM

    The voluntir Farmin EVOC course is different than the real police training course.

  42. To 4:32- Your reading comprehension is severely lacking. You should reread 10:59's comment.

  43. 6:47 .. I could care less what 10:59 said... or anything you submit --as if you know what I read or where what I said came from... get a life

  44. 10:53 It is "couldn't care less" not "could care less", unless of course you really could care less. Of course since you can't comprehend who really knows.

  45. Booo freaking Hoooo get over it. Cops are exempt from motor vehicle law period. So cry a river and noooo there is not a class that allows you to learn to text and drive.

  46. Its not cops.....its society .......Welcome to Liberalville ........Population Unknown....they can't count!


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