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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Carla Moore Released On A $200,000.00 UNSECURED Bond Without Collateral Security

While I have been doing this for a LOT of years, never, have I seen someone charged with a $200,000.00 Bond and be released without any security. 

Yeah, I'd be floating around with a cold one too. Absolutely amazing. 


  1. WTH? You approved this deal? Do decisions like this come from the SA Office?

  2. And nothing has been done to any of the town council who had oversight and especially her father and anyone else who signs checks in the town of pittsville

    1. The town council had nothing to do with her actions! She's just spoiled and feels entitled. Don't point fingers.

  3. 10:26, No, the states attorney has no control over this at all.

  4. Who does decide the amount of bond and if it is secured or not?

  5. Replies
    1. Thats not correct Joe. Not in this case. She was indicted by a grand jury. She was arrested on 5/21 and her bond review was held on 5/26. Regardless of what is posted on Case Search, commisioners deal with initial appearances (which must be held within 24 ours of the arrest) and when someone posts a bond that was already determined. This bond review must have been held by a circuit court judge almost a week after the arrest. She wasn't "charged" with a bond. Due to the nature of the crime the judge apparently determined that she wasn't a threat to the community which is one criteria in committing a person to jail pending trial. The only other criteria which determines the amount, if any. that should be required as security collateral is whether or not she is a flight risk. The judge must have been swayed by the circumstances to believe she isn't a flight risk. If both of those criteria are met she should have been released. My concern would be that if she absconds, what she could possibly own worth $200,000 that the state could levy.

  6. Just remember that Paul Wilber is the attorney for the Town of Pittsville.

  7. I think there's far worse individuals to be obsessing over.

    FAR worse.

  8. I thought she was already arrested and saw the commissioner. This was more likely from a judge during a bond review.


  9. She must have sweet talked to whoever that Commissioner was. What a justice system!

  10. Just wait until the Pittsville Town residents get their water/sewer bills with a special assessment notice.

    Then - you'll see the public ire foment.

  11. It happens all over this area. THIS is what you are voting for... pigs like Carla who get in because of daddy, and the family rapes and pillages your town. Don't think it's not happening everywhere around here.

  12. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The parents have liens entered.
    State of Md on 3/16/15 for $5447.23 and another on 5/4/15 for $25,150.21.

  13. Sounds like Somerset's leadership. If you are related to the Boston's or the Simpkins you get favor, just ask Scott & Vicki.

  14. Wow......and Denver is really the Mayor/ Commission President with a financial history like that? Just looked him up on case search. How did he get bonded to be a courier for the Farmers Bank of Willards? Is my money safe with him or is FBW covering for him too?

  15. This is based on new info that has not been shared with the general public.The court of public opinion has no place in a court of law.

  16. Bond amount is just. She is not going anywhere. Lets just see who prosecutes this case for S/As office. It is a bag and tag. If they lose it then you know the fix was on. If this case was released to the media as it should have been this would all be old news. Joe thanks for letting the people know what is going on. The S/As office only kicks out press when they win a case. Kinda cowardly if you ask me. The public has a right to know what is going on. It also opens the door to additional witnesses and potential evidence.

    Transparency is a word used by many politicians and yet none of them adhere to it.

    Joe they get pissed you put this out there it screws up the ridonkulous pleas they make.


  18. 9:34, She didn't have an attorney when she did the bond review, so I'm told.

  19. This is where our County Council should be watchdogs. This has been grossly underminded.

  20. If I lived in Pittsville, I would never pay another dime until she has given a consequence she deserves. Paying back all the funds to the people she stole it from. A case like this gives new meaning to the word spoiled brat !!!!!!

  21. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

  22. Like all other the people that get Dui's in the county government and that gets sweeped under the rug. her case will disappear without a trace.
    If it had been someone African American they wouldn't have been given the chance to post bail.

    1. Think again. Look at the bond amounts of some of the heinous violent crimes committed by blacks. You'll see rapists and vicious assaults bonded out at ridiculously low amounts. It isn't just the amount, it's whether that person is a) likely to flee before being held to trial and b) whether that person is a threat to the community. As many of them that you see charged with a crime that were already out on bond for a previous offense, I'd say bond was set much too low for them.

  23. It's all in who you Know and how much she was will to get under the table to get what she wanted to get out. she is definitely good for that I'm sure.

  24. Its not any different than Ray Lewis stealing all he did from the county and he didnt have to pay anywhere near what he stole... He still is in buisness as he was, this too will disapear sadly enough

  25. For 9:36 A.M. Then answer to your question as to how Denver can get bonded in order to work at the Bank of Willards is that he is a major stock holder in the Bank which he inherited. In addition, Carla's sister is a head teller there. The Moore clan is dug in deep. The unfortunate thing is that not many people are informed enough and just don't care enough to protest the good ole boy way business is done here.

  26. Lets say that I did this and my daddy was not an official of the town. Lets say that I was from Iowa. Lets see me get out with unsecure bond. NOT!!!

  27. Anonymous said...
    And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

    May 27, 2015 at 8:34 PM

    aw.... you must be a family member or her herself.

  28. How did they get the money to satisfy liens from 9/2014? 2 liens paid then...

  29. It's all deeper than we even think.

  30. Anonymous said...
    This is where our County Council should be watchdogs. This has been grossly underminded.

    May 27, 2015 at 3:07 PM

    The County Council has nothing to do with Pittsville or any town for that matter. Please educate yourself on the County Council before you try to speak because you sound pretty dumb.

  31. The town is a joke. Wayne Knapp is on the town council and hasn't lived there for 5 years. The water plant is gross and Denver is the real thief. Any excess funds that he doesn't take go to the fire department

  32. Anonymous said...
    The town is a joke. Wayne Knapp is on the town council and hasn't lived there for 5 years. The water plant is gross and Denver is the real thief. Any excess funds that he doesn't take go to the fire department

    June 1, 2015 at 12:03 AM

    Where does Wayne Knapp live now since he got fard frum his Farmin job at da 'Bury Far Departmint? He be fard long time ago.

  33. She probably used her daughter as a reason for her not being a flight risk! wouldn't be the first time that she used that cute little girl to get herself out of crap!


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