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Friday, May 22, 2015

Be Prepared…

Be prepared, because ISIS has allegedly said they’ve got upwards of half-a-hundred nuts prepared to “strike” against the “infidels” (that’s you, by the way.) Government and law enforcement are powerless to stop it, not because they don’t want to but simply because it’s impossible; you will be the first responder whether you like it or not if this madness visits your area. The military is taking it seriously enough to adopt a force protection posture that by their own admission impacts their operational capability. You ought to take the threat at least that seriously.

Be prepared, because while stock prices have been euphoric sales have not. Further, beware those calling this a “diversion” of CapEx to share price growth: Capital expenditures have run between 10-13% of GDP, ex-residential investment, through both good markets and bad, growth and recession including the 08-09 “Great Recession.” The data is available to anyone who cares to look so why lie? The answer is simple: There’s an agenda at play and you’re not being told what it is.

Be prepared, because ex financial product shenanigans there has been no positive economic output growth ex-debt since 1968. While there were periods in the 1990s where the GDP deficit was around 2% annually the fact remains that for the last three years it has been running around 7% and at no time during the alleged “recovery” has it gone positive on an annualized basis — not even for one three month period.



  1. half a hundred, would that be the number formerly know as 50?

  2. One per state! That number is a lie. Maryland has thousands alone and is the number one state that funnels terrorist funds over seas. You never know which person selling you a slurpee or writing your prescription is going to kill hundreds of people. Ww2 the threat against our country was enough to round every Asian Pacific person up into concentration camps here in the USA. Why not now? We have no idea who is who. Not only terrorist but illegals entering. And a lot of the illegals entering are cartel members who deal with terrorist selling dope to find their war! I say round up every muzzie! Figure out who is who once the Muslim war is over. Better safe than sorry.

  3. the place is lousy with them

  4. bring it , I love to hunt anyway , did it in Korea and I'll do it here.
    2nd division infantry recon , 38th .11B and 11H .

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    bring it , I love to hunt anyway , did it in Korea and I'll do it here.
    2nd division infantry recon , 38th .11B and 11H .

    May 22, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    different time old man. sitting on ur arse and waiting for someone to come to you is not hunting. you wouldnt last a week


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