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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Nearly 40 percent of restaurants serve fake blue crab cakes

WASHINGTON — Summer months are around the corner and that means blue skies.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean the crabs will be blue.

Nearly 40 percent of crab cakes served at area restaurants don’t have the blue crab meat they advertise reports Oceana.

Instead the eateries serve imported and often illegally caught crab meat.

Oceana is a nonprofit dedicated protection of the world’s oceans.



  1. DEMOCRAT VOTER ON FOOD STAMPSApril 2, 2015 at 11:37 AM

    Save the Environment...BAN ALL CRABS

  2. Daughter worked in Restaurants
    in O. city, said most all crab
    mean came from over seas.

    It's good to buy local , then
    you Know what you have!

  3. It's been going on for years... saving money, one lie at a time. Here, let me throw "vegan", "organic" and "non gmo" on the menu, you idiots won't know any better. Every day. Every restaurant.

  4. Some crabmeat is labeled "Maryland picked," yes picked here in Maryland, caught who knows where?

  5. Actually, I got a lot of respect for Oceana. They are a good environmental group. They aren't saying go vegan and blah blah. They are saying you are getting duped. They are trying to protect the sea life. What is wrong with that? Like duck hunters know, you got to preserve ducks or there ain't going to be any to hunt.

  6. This is as stupid as complaining that THEY are sneaking in Maryland chickens and letting you think they came from Delaware.

  7. 208-MD crabs sell for a premium. Labeling foreign crab as MD crab is fraud.

  8. 2:08 Drive to Baltimore and see people selling harbor crabs. You want crabs from the Baltimore harbor or just any ole cesspool? There is no difference between a Maryland, Delaware or Virginia crab, no problem with that however, if they are shipped here from Georgia, Carolina's, Mississippi, Alabama or Texas, they should be labeled as such.

  9. Most people I talk to have no idea Philips crab meat comes from Asia now.

    1. Has been for years. Phillips has factories there. I quit going to them because of it.

  10. oh the travesty of it all! heaven forbid if they make New England clam chowder in Chincoteague or Parsonsburg!!! that just isn't right!!! some body should hang for this!

  11. i like the skrimp at skipjacks

  12. 346-You've obviously never talked to someone who worked at Phillip's.

    Honestly, they run tourist traps...most of the tourists never come back, like the employees. Hell, spend 20+ years working there, and you'll be making 32K a year, salaried, with no benefits. Thankfully, I only spent a summer there as an 18yr old.

    410-New England Clam Chowder is a type of clam chowder, like Manhattan is. It does not specify the specie of clam nor label it's clams as coming from a certain area. The difference being, these sham sellers are marketing 'Maryland blue crabs', but selling you something very different, as in, a different species of crab.

    1. I to worked for Phillips when I was young. 122 and st I believe. The Latinos a revered more than the american employees and yes their meat comes from their facilities over seas. The other location at 17 the st I believe is a party haven. Parents don't let your daughters work there. They will be turned out by summers end! Love their own apts above the restaurant.


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